Professor still hasn't changed to Pass/Fail

@lookingforward we did meet a few times, but what’s happening is that they are now pushing the matter back and forth. Not only that, I want to have a written response so that “he said she said” doesn’t happen.

There is an admin person that works for Arts and Sciences (DD and I have worked with her before). Call over there and ask for the admin person and explain your situation to the right person. There is a fix, and since you did alert in a timely fashion but didn’t know the proper procedure (each school has their own ‘system’ - which i found out with eng and college or arts and sciences). They may tell you some things to do to then appear to them with proper request for sign off. This person wants the student to come with request in hand.

That would be a great idea but the assistant dean emailed that it is under the jurisdiction of COE because I am an engineering student.
I will email the Dean of the Students on Tuesday.

There is an Asst Dean in Eng that handles these kind of things. Our issue needed to be worked through both eng and A & S. It was a lot of trouble for a simple situation, but it was worth doing. Did the registrar’s office direct you where you needed to have it resolved? Instead of an email, you may get more info (back and forth) on a phone call.

Nope, still hasn’t been solved. Actually, it was the dean of the COE who told me to talk to the registrar.

OP you seem to be going circular w/o the right person. The Dean of COE may be ‘above the pay grade’ not realizing how this detail can be corrected. Talking to the right person in the registrar’s office may be spotty - and they will direct you to get an Ass’t Dean or Dean’s approval. The grade is in A & S - why does it need eng to have the switch from grade to pass/fail? Is it because this was not set up correctly at the beginning or not changed by the date to do so (even though you thought it had)? I could look up the Ass’t in A & S who we dealt with, but you do need to continue to go at it until you solve it.

It was the dean of COE that first suggested me to talk to registrar’s head/Director of Engineering Service (one person ).
Then it became “you do it situation” regarding switching my grade to pass/fail between the professor and the director. Also, the professor suggested me to talk to AS dean, but then the associate dean basically said "you are an engineeri student so it is under COE jurisdiction ". This was last friday.
Today is supposed to be the last date for final.grade and it still hasnt been changed.
I will probably need to talk to the Dean of Students as m2ck suggested

Update: Dean of students reply here. TL;DR, such academic issues are out of his areas

In my experience, when you get this much of a runaround, it’s because the prof originally promised something he did not have the power to deliver. When this happened to my kid, he eventually moved high enough up the chain of command in the registrar’s office that he reached someone who knew what the rules were, and who told him that what the prof had promised could not be done without an appeal to the Dean of Students (or someone similar - I don’t recall exactly). It ended up costing him a semester’s credit for a course he had completed successfully . . . but he finally decided it just wasn’t worth pursuing the matter any further.

If you are not willing to give up that easily, I’d suggest going back to the Dean of Students, explain exactly what you were promised by the prof, explain that you relied on what the prof told you, and you want to file an appeal . . . and need his help to guide you through the process.

Alternatively, go back to Greg Singleton, explain what’s been going on, and ask for his help in navigating the appeals process.

Thanks for all the advice.
I asked the COE dean again, and this time, again (eyeroll), doesnt suggest much other than taking to someone else, which is University Registrar.
I called the Univ. Registrar just now and turns out that Univ. Registar doesnt have any right to change particular course grade to pass/fail, and it should be done within our COE division.

Also, dean of the students doesnt seem to know anything either other than reiterating the very same rules about pass/fail that I have already read/heard. I just calculated my my CGPA and it looks like it would make 0.14 difference if I change it to pass. I am more worried about my sGPA.
I am really tired of this now.

I am afraid that I might end up getting “bad rep” from the engr.dean and registrar if I keep pursuing. I want to give up but at the same time I think I should keep going for the sake my my science gpa.

If you are still in Tuscaloosa, I suggest you go and speak to someone in person and bring all relevant emails, etc.

Over the phone and email doesn’t cut it.

You keep mentioning the Dean of Students, but in general, this sort of issue doesn’t fall under the Dean of Students’ purview at all, anywhere.

Really, this sounds like a Registrar’s Office issue. Have you actually gone in in person and talked with anyone there? Alternatively, talking to an academic advisor may point you in the direction of the correct person to talk to.

@dfbdfb which one? The University registrar or the engineering registrar?

I actually spoke with Engineering registrar in person, and he was the one who said it’s possible to switch to Pass/Fail with the professor’s instructor. Today I called University registrar(apparently they don’t do any student meeting so it’s either phone or email) and they say it’s the issues within the COE division.

To summarize what happened:

  1. I tried to meet my advisor during March to swtich to Pass/Fail(I had very serious family problems and I was too distracted to do well in all classes, and Cell Bio was the worst), but couldn’t meet her because she was constantly busy, and I wasn’t able to see any other advisors.

  2. On early April, I find out it’s too late. I then decided to get at least B-, but later learns I can’t even get B- because I screwed up 3rd exam really bad.

  3. On late April I finally decided to email to someone in higher position, which was Dean of Engineering, who then directed me to “our registrar”(he used these words), and the director of engineering service. Then I set up an appointment, met him, and explained why I would like to switch to Pass/Fail and why I was doing badly in this semester in general, and he told me that as long as the professor allows it, it should be possible. Also told me to tell the professor to email him.

  4. Had an appointment with the instructor, explained him what I heard from the registrar. The instructor immediately agrees to give Pass/Fail and to send email to the director. At that point I thought it was all taken care of.

  5. The exchange from this point are all done by emails. After final exam I see C-, and I contacted the instructor. He said he contacted the director, and if COE approves the changes it’s gonna take a while to change. Final grades are due by Tuesday, but if it has not switched, the earned grade for the semester will remain until they have made the change. At this point, it is out of his hands and into the hands of the Registrar.

  6. This is where I might have made mistake-maybe I really should have waited until today? I emailed the director to ask how long it will take to switch to pass/fail, then the director replies that the instructor has to submit a grade change; This is done through the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office. This email reply was sent to me, the instructor, AND the Associate Dean of the College of A&S.

  7. The instructor then emailed me that:
    either the Dean’s office in the A&S College considers my explanation for the request in change of status regarding your registration and switch you to Pass/Fail , or The Dean’s office in the COE grants you a late withdrawal from the course for the semester. If neither worked, I would receive letter grade. Obviously I can’t withdraw because this one would result in me being part time student. He also says “I literally I literally cannot submit a “change of grade” unless the Dean’s office in the College of Arts & Sciences officially alters your status. The Pass/Fail choice is not an available option at this time through MyBama or Blackboard Learn…and I do not think it will be an option unless your registration status changes”. Also, he said I should talk to the Dean of A&S College, and get an approval for Pass/Fail switch for change of grade.

  8. Then I was going to email the Dean, but then the Associate Dean that the Director had contacted in no. 6 says that even though the class is under the A&S College, it should be processed within the COE because I am under engineering division, therefore the A&S college has no jurisdiction.

  9. At this point I got so frustrated-seems like no one was particularly interested to help me-so I contacted the Dean of the Students as one of poster here suggested, but it didn’t help either. He said exactly same thing: it should be handled by the instructor and/or the COE Dean’s office.

  10. Then I email to COE Dean again, then he replies that I should talk to University Registrar office. I called the Registrar, then the lady who she identified herself as Student Service Associate answered that the Registrar can’t just change the grade to Pass/Fail, and that it should be done in our COE division.

So…overall nothing has been solved yet. Maybe I should just move on? My fault in this matter would be not acting fast enough…

They can’t change the grade, but what you want is the change in format, to pass/fail. Then the instructor can submit the P. No?

Yes, tha’ts what i want

The registrar has no power to change anything - they just record what they’re told to record. Ditto for the COE registrar.

I’d really suggest speaking with Greg Singleton again.

OP, I am surprised that in late April you could get an instructor and registrar to agree to a pass/fail. After all this is near the end of the school year; I think it would set a bad precedence for other students who want to do this too. Since they agreed, I hope it works out for you; however, if it does, consider yourself very lucky.

Well this whole thing got late because my advisor was unable to meet me, when I still had chance to change t to pass/fail in right time.

I will talk to Greg Singleton one last time and see how he responds. Hope it’s not another “Your instructor should do it” because apparently the professor doesn’t know what he should do.

@dodgersmom if neither the registrar nor the COE engr. registrar has any power to change my grade, I really am curious why the dean of COE even told me to talk to these people in first place…if they really can’t do a thing about this then this whole mess will become just a waste of time.

If you can’t find anyone to change it to P/F, what about the other alternative mentioned - a withdrawal? You said you can’t be a part time student. Why not? Would you have insurance or financial aid issues if you were part time? The Presidential Scholarship does not require full time status.