Professor tendency

I’m in chen 204 currently. And I’m not nessesarily doing good, thing is all the upper class men I talk to say he curves the crap out of the grades at the end of the semester and will almost fail no one. Is this true? Does anyone have firsthand input ?
The professor is Sreeram vaddiraju btw

@sam161 have you looked at the dars listing that shows grades broken down by class and professor? You can look back pretty far to get a pattern. I can check tomorrow but don’t have my laptop at home. If you find it before I do, let me know. This site for grades is a wonderful tool when checking out future teachers/classes. My son wanted to drop a class last semester and I was like Um no… 80% of students get As. He ended with an A. Point being, he may have dropped it if he and I didn’t know about this site. I’ll post tomorrow. Deep breath in the mean time.

Have you gone to talk with the prof? Often they will give you an idea of how you are doing especially right before the qdrop deadline.

I haven’t yet discussed my grades with him, I think I’ll do that after I get the results from my second exam back.

Yes, I’ve seen his grade distribution, last fall, like 30 some % got A’s and the rest got B’s or C’s, with 2 people getting D’s and 5 Q drops. I feel as though I will be okay, just the stress persists, which is why I find myself always trying to get some insight.

Awe good for you though @sam161 hang in there and yes, go talk to prof. They want to help you and they want to see that you are helping yourself. Always go in with the attitude of “I was wondering what i can do better to prepare for the exams. I’ve been doing this, but I want to do better.” Take the accountability. Good luck!