Profile Questions: Two Lines or Less?

<p>Stanford says to "respond in two lines or less" to their profile short answers. Is this strictly enforced? Do they mean two lines in Word or two lines in the common app text boxes.</p>

<p>Two lines in the common app text boxes is nothing.</p>


<p>StanfordMom, why do you have to call everyone a “■■■■■■” or “tard”?</p>

<p>That’s not the behavior I would expect from someone whose offspring supposedly got into Stanford.</p>

<p>You’re a ■■■■■…</p>

<p>To the OP, I think they mean two lines in Common App’s text boxes.</p>

<p>@ StanfordMom09</p>

<p>Hey! Most mothers have this totally cool feature where they have better things to do than post unhelpful, childish comments on high school forums! Who Knew?! </p>

<p>Unfortunately, I think that feature has been disable on you. </p>

<p>Get a life.</p>

<p>Why has StanfordMom not been banned?</p>

<p>It’s a typo… Stanfordmom, you gotta chill out.</p>

<p>Hey Stanford Mom,</p>

<p>I was admitted SCEA and some of my responses exceed the the “two line max”</p>

<p>So please.</p>

<p>As much as StanfordMom is a ■■■■■…his answer is correct. Use the print preview feature, and you will see that you probably do not have more than two lines. Two lines in the regular commonapp textbox is really only about 1 line in print preview.</p>

<p>I was wondering about this odd requirement too. I wrote two lines in the text box and got in. So, you can’t go wrong with 2 line responses.</p>

<p>StanfordMom has now left the building. In regards to this question, you have to look at the print preview of the application and make sure it’s less than 2 lines. that’s what stanford bases the “two lines” requirement on… not the commonapp box in which you can put it. as many of you mac users can see, it is adjustable, therefore making the “two lines” thing arbitrary.</p>