<p>Has anyone applied to the Program in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Michigan? I heard it was very good program and I was just wondering if anyone applied and if so why? I am looking for a grad program to get my PhD and several people pointed to this one. Any thoughts or suggestions?</p>
<p>I applied to PIBS at Univ of Michigan and got rejected [sad face]. The program is quite strong in certain areas and would make the shortlist for many applicants. Perhaps if you could tell us a little about your experience and intended direction, we could provide you with more specifics (what professors are making field altering discoveries, what research groups are regularly publishing in Science and Nature, etc). </p>
<p>On the negative side, the economy is as bad in the Detroit (Ann Arbor is very close to Detroit) as anywhere in the country. The climate is awful (last night it was -42 deg f with windchill). The programs are large and spread out. Crime in the Detroit area is also pretty bad. How’s that for balance.</p>
<p>What are your specific research interests? Are there many PIs at Michigan with whom you’d like to work?</p>