Program question

Question for the UA experts, maybe @mom2collegekids or others:

I have a son who is a junior, in the mid-Atlantic area. Great student, decided on computer science/software engineering, and an interest in business. Main stats include GPA ~ 3.9, ACT 34 (33E, 33M, 34R, 35S, 36W). SAT2s this spring.

He is interested in the STEM-MBA program (Honors College, Presidential Scholarship ??) , majoring in computer science with the concentration in software engineering: , and staying for the 1 extra year to complete the MBA.

Does this plan sound feasible, on paper, and from a work load standpoint? Has anyone heard of someone pursuing this exact tract? This flow chart for the software engineering concentration seems like it might be tough to squeeze in the one required MBA course each undergraduate semester:

If he was interested in visiting, to get a feel for Alabama in general, the Honors College, scholarships, and talking to some people about the Computer Science/Software Engineering plan with the STEM-MBA, who would it be best to contact? Is there one person that could help coordinate things, or should he touch base with multiple people? Thanks!

Mom2collegekids will probably let you know who to contact for your tour (although you can also search the site as she has given this information many times before). My son just graduated from UA with his degree in Computer Science with a concentration in software engineering so I figured I would chime in too. He did NOT go the STEM-MBA program route (wasn’t interested in the business side) but did end up in the University Scholars program where he ended up earning both his Bachelors of Science and Masters in Computer Science. (He also has a double-major in math.) It was definitely doable for him, but he did come in with about 45 credits from AP classes and a Spanish Clep test. He decided to graduate after 7 semesters so his only “conflict” was that they did not offer a needed software class last semester. He was able to meet with a professor and set up his own course to fulfill this requirement. IF he decided to go STEM-MBA I think he would have had no problems, except he might not have done the math double-major. My son DID take anywhere from 17-22 credits each semester though. PM me if you have any questions.

I know at least a handful of people in the CBH program who are doing Computer or Electrical Engineering as well as STEM-MBA. Your son definitely has the stats to apply, and if you contact the Honors College and say that you’re interested in CBH our program administrator Mrs. Batson will arrange a great visit for you. Your son would have the typical Honors College tour as well as a meeting with a CBH-er in his field and an interview with Mrs. Batson or Dr. Sharpe (dean of the Honors College and Director of CBH). I wish I had known about the CBH tours when I was applying.