I want to know of Management and Technology Programs similar to the Jerome Fisher Program in M&T which is offered by University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and Wharton School of Business!
There is one at Lehigh.
I believe there is one at Berkeley, not positive though. You don’t necessarily need the program; many places will let you double major in business (because Wharton economics has strong business basis) and an engineering field.
I second, nw2this. Penn & Lehigh are the two I am aware of.
Yale mentions the ability to graduate with a double major in Mech Engingeering (non-abet) and Economics.
Stanford has Management Science and Engineering, but I have decided that it is very different from Jerome Fisher. I think the Stanford program is really Industrial Engineering, while the Penn program can be any kind of engineering with any business focus. Depending on your goals, the Stanford program might work as could one fo the many Engineering Management programs.
EECS or IEOR + business
However, it does require significant overload, since the curriculum is otherwise just simultaneous degrees that require nearly 160 credit units (instead of the usual 120 credit units for most majors).
Also, if you look in the engineering forum section, some posters see engineering/business combinations as a negative when hiring entry level engineers. Example:
The Jerome Fisher Program in Management &Technology ( known as M&T) is offered by the University of Pennsylvania. Specifically it is a dual degree offered by the Engineering School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Saying it is offered by University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton school is technically redundant since Wharton is part f the University of Pennsylvania.
I m only correcting you since if you are interested in the program and if are applying you need to know the correct terms etc.
Many schools offer double majors in engineering and business or have special programs similar to M&T. Finding a school that has a program nearly as strong as M&T is quite hard to do, that is why M&T is so selective. I would say look at schools that have both strong engineering and business/Econ programs and either make it easy to double major or have a special program ( some schools to look at are MIT, Berkeley, Cornell,UMich, UIUC, Stanford, Harvard)