<p>I applied ED1 to Pomona and the adcom asked my counselor for my second progress report grades which are over 4 weeks old. I had 3 B's for that progress report but I'm doing well right now. Will I be deferred/rejected?</p>
<p>Great question. I’m wondering about that as well.</p>
<p>They asked for those?!</p>
<p>i have a C in ap bio right now… :,(</p>
<p>I don’t know. The only reason I know they asked for mine is because I got an email from my counselor saying she sent the adcom my second progress report.</p>
<p>BTW My school is under the semester schedule with 2 progress reports each. Progress reports don’t go in any permanent grades/gpa/whatever and are to let parents/students know how they’re doing in class</p>
<p>They asked for mines during the Questbridge Process. Apparently they only did this for people they were interesting in matching, but they had to make sure you weren’t blowing off your senior year.</p>
<p>so does that mean that if they didn’t ask for mine… they’re not interested in me? :,(</p>
<p>I remember seeing some posts a couple years ago regarding this but I can’t quite pull it up right now. Basically, adcom asked some people to cough up their progress reports and left others alone. People who were left alone got in and people who had to give their progress reports got in too.</p>
<p>okay, i guess that eases my nerves. where are you from, lumiya?</p>
<p>San Francisco Bay Area :B
Are you from California?</p>
<p>Yes! I’m from San Diego That means we’ll be finding out first
Hope it’s good news!</p>
<p>So it’s not necessarily a bad thing if they didn’t ask for a second progress report? Or would they only be sending it to our counselors, and it’d be up for the counselor to tell us? I’m so insanely nervous. my progress report grades were all over the place because my teachers don’t enter updated grades for those because they never really matter… AHH I’m nervous. :l</p>
<p>hmm imo, if they ask for your progress report and you have good grades for that, you’ll probs get in. They’re trying to finalize their decisions on borderline candidates, and good grades on the progress report will give the final nudge. but they know that almost everyone has bad grades for progress report, and itll get better as it gets closer to the end of the semester, so I wouldn’t worry tooooo much about a few Bs </p>
<p>sarsoccersar: yeah it isn’t really necessarily a bad thing. It could be absolutely good, or absolutely bad; theyve either accepted you and see no need to check in on your senior year or theyve rejected you and see no need to check in on your senior year</p>
<p>I think I would be a borderline candidate 'cause my grades were bad in the beginning of high school and there’s a strong upward trend I think I’ve been rejected then… if my counselor emails me back and says she didn’t get any request :,(</p>
<p>my counselor wouldn’t tell me if she was notified… but i’d be really on the edge because of my ridiculously low sat scores hopefully deferred rather than rejected! </p>
<p>Tamtastic- you sound like a really passionate applicant. They like upward trends- i have that too. Not really dramatic… but yeah. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see :/</p>
<p>Sarsoccerstar, I think all of us applying ED are extremely passionate about Pomona. </p>
<p>Your counselor wouldn’t tell you? Like she said “Oh sorry, I can’t disclose that information.”? Yeah, I really hope I’m deferred too so I can do regular decision. I half don’t want the 15th to come so I can keep my dream alive, but I’m crossing my fingers and toes!</p>
<p>Well, don’t get your hopes down so early tamtastic!
Colleges luuuuuve upward trends, and will definitely give a lot of weight into it.
They’re not only looking for geniuses, but anyone who adds diversity, and they would rather have a class with “normal” hard-working people rather than a class with only cut-throat competitive nerds.</p>
<p>Thanks, boomboomkrn. Yeah, I’m just one to psyche myself out practically all the time. But don’t we all have those moments!</p>
<p>Tamtastic- I mean she wouldn’t make the effort to tell me. Like if they contacted her, I don’t feel like she would notify me. And she never responds to her emails, so I’ll have to wait until tomorrow at school to ask. EEEKK I almost don’t want to know. I’ve got all limbs crossed too I feel like I can deal with a deferral. Not rejection. haha I wonder if there’s some sort of appeal process if we are rejected though…</p>
<p>I’m actually going for a Scripps interview in a week just in case It’s gonna suck though 'cause I’ll probably know if I got in or not by then and if I didn’t I’ll have to BE THERE D:</p>