Project Based Engineering Programs

<p>I have a daughter who is currently a high school junior, who is interested in a career in engineering. I have recently discovered that there are university engineering programs that primarily focus on project based learning rather than simply what is learned in the classroom. I have been having a difficult time identifying those universities that focus on project based engineering. I have been told that many universities make the claim of focussing on project based engineering, but are not really as commited to the concept as they indicate. We feel that my daughter would experience greater success in an environment where the learning is more hands on. If anyone knows of universities that have project based engineering programs, please let me know. Thanks!</p>

<p>I don’t know where you’re located but here in Michigan we have Kettering and MI Tech - both which seem to be more project based. The Enterprise program at MI Tech sounds very good: [The</a> Enterprise Program @ Michigan Tech](<a href=“]The”></p>