Project Based Learning Engineering Schools not is North East?

Can you help me compile a list of Engineering Schools that are focused on project-based learning that are not in the North Eastern part of the US? Olin and Worcester Poly sound great but having grown up in South Texas, there is no way that he could handle a Boston winter.

Since you are from SE Tex - why not Lamar?

Thank you. I had never heard of Lamar but I will check it out.

Cal Poly SLO isn’t well known outside of California (due to not having big-time athletics,) but it has a fantastic reputation within California.

This is true, and their educational motto (“Learn by Doing”) seems to fit. However, the California state universities (including Cal Poly SLO) also have a reputation for limiting the enrollment of out-of-staters, and offering them zero financial aid. Expect to pay the full out-of-state rate, so cost of attendance will probably be around $40,000 per year.

Alternatively, could look at New Mexico Tech and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Both are small tech-focused schools that were originally established to serve the mining industry, but now cover engineering generally. Like Cal Poly, they are known for practical, hands-on engineering education, and have great job placement. Winters are probably still cold, but maybe less so than Boston.

NMT offers in-state tuition rates to out-of-staters with strong stats; MS&T may do so as well