Projected CFA scores - Good Enough?

<p>This is what I can did the other day as a trial test (i couldn't do the bball throw or shuttle run where i was, but i might update it later). </p>

<p>Pull ups: 15</p>

<p>Crunches: 82</p>

<p>pushups: 40 :/</p>

<p>mile run: 5:10</p>

<p>I think the scores are pretty decent except for push ups', but is it really THAT BAD?</p>

<p>EDIT: I know that i DEFINITELY need to improve them for I-day, but i just wanted to know for CFA purposes.</p>

<p>They look good aside what from you already know. Your good news is …usually PU’s are “easiest” to improve. Just do them every day. Don’t forget the shuttle run and basketball throw. Go get 'em. :)</p>

<p>P.S. your pullups are great!</p>

<p>Hey as long as you do good on bball and shuttle and get 20 more push ups your set! Excellent mile man! :D</p>

<p>make sure that when you practice your pull ups that you go to a dead hang in between with your arms fully extended.
your numbers look good.
check for old threads on the basketball throw. it’s mostly technique using your core, not much arm strength.</p>

<p>These numbers are fine. Just take the test and submit it. You’re not going to get an appointment until the CFA is in, so the earlier the better. And any marginal improvement in your scorees is NOT worth waiting for.</p>