Prompts Just Released for 2013-2014 Common Application

<p>Okay this isn't a strict Hispanic issue but since I received the email from an organization devoted to helping Hispanic students I am posting this info here. The Common Application just released the essay prompts for 2013-2014. New</a> 2013-2014 Common Application Essay Prompts | The website "Get Me To College" has posted info about them and if you signed up for their newsletter and info emails (which I strongly recommend you do) you would have received an email tis morning with more detail. Here is the pdf announcement from the Common Application organization. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For those of you who may not know the CA essay prompt history this year; but there use to be a prompt "topic of your choice" that was a favorite of many students and high school counselors. A few months ago the Common Application organization announced it was doing away with it. Many educators thought this hurt low-income URM students because their life experiences may not easily fit the other available prompts. Lobbying efforts were undertaken and it looks like a compromise was reached. I believe essay prompt 1 could still be construed as a "topic of your choice" essay. Also they have raised the word limit to 650 words. </p>

<p>So take some good advice; work on your essays over the summer and do not wait to get started until the fall. </p>

<p>Finally I did have a heart attack when I saw the email because this makes the college application process so much more real for my junior DD since these are the essay prompts she will be working on. Can I say I still want her to be a little kid???? </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone; I know you can all write great essays.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m a soon-to-be senior in the fall of 2013 and wanted to say thanks a lot for sharing this!
But i just had a couple of questions I wanted to ask since it seems like you’re one of those people who understand the college app process. This essay prompt change thing is one of the many essays we have to write for the common app which will be sent to the colleges of our choices, right? And also do you have any idea when the 2013-2014 common app will be released bc I really want to get started on the essays over this summer so I’ll have a little mor e leeway during the fall and not be pressured as much. Once again thanks for your input! Have a great summer!</p>

<p>Yes, the new prompts given will be your main CA essay. The other CA essay is the shorter one about ECs, you can download the 2012/13 application here; that question is the same this year:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>IIRC, the CA usually comes out Aug 1. However, you don’t need to wait until then to start the essays since you have all of the prompts right now. </p>

<p>Individual college supplements are a different matter. Some stay the same year after year, others change every year (eg. UChicago, Amherst) and others change occasionally. Do some research on the individual college forums and on the CA website (click the College specific supplements on above link) to find past questions.</p>

<p>University of Chicago and Penn released their essay prompts as well. If this is the appropriate forum, I will post it here. Otherwise, please direct me :)</p>

<p>I you want to, you could start a New Thread on this forum where members could list secondary prompts for the Class of 2018.</p>

<p>Where do I start to write for Univ of Chicago? Like where on the common app</p>