Pros/cons of bringing a car to campus freshmen year?

<p>I just sold my car yesterday, I was planning to buy a car but I'm having second thoughts now.</p>

<p>It’s kind of a hassle when you’re a freshman. During 8-5 PM M-F you can’t park anywhere except for designated resident areas (most of which are in the cage, I believe, which is far as anything from the dorms and basically everywhere else on campus). During the weekends you can park almost anywhere, but it’s also hard to find parking that is close and convenient. Either way, as a freshman, you’ll have to walk a significant distance to get your car, and depending on where you can find parking, you’ll have to do more walking.</p>

<p>I didn’t have one freshman year but did sophomore year, when I also lived on campus. The only time I ever used it was to go home and occasionally to go to the grocery store. If you had a car I’d suggest bringing it, but since you sold it I’d say if you have a reliable way to get home on breaks save your money for a year.</p>

<p>Where is your home? During the week, your car will not be of much use, but it is nice to have on weekends, travel to/from home at breaks, and move-in/out.</p>

<p>We originally had no intention of our son having a car freshman year, but changed our mind in the spring. Having a car means he won’t have to rely on a friend or a bus to get home on breaks, and he was able to move himself out at the end of the year. We still plan to take him back for move-in in a couple of weeks, but being so far away from home, it’s nice that he could handle it on his own without us having to drive out, stay in a hotel, take off work for 2 days, etc.</p>

<p>When I was a freshman, I didn’t have a car and was totally fine. Everything you need in Blacksburg is so centrally located. In case you want to go to Christiansburg to get to Walmart or the movie theater, you can take the bus.</p>

<p>I live about 3.5 hours away, and I think I’ll just wait and see how my first semester goes but also keep a look out for a nice car just in case I find one at a good price. Then if I need it ill just get a parking pass for the second semester. Thanks for all the help!</p>