<p>What are the best/worst things about the University of Florida?</p>
<p>How challenging are the classes?
Opinions on the dorms?
Is there any good style among the students or is everyone decked out in Abercrombie and Hollister?
Pros/Cons Gainesville?</p>
<p>Those are just some guiding questions, i want the WHOLE SCOPE!
Although UF isn't as prestigious as most schools that I'm looking at, the Gator Nation seems pretty great!</p>
<p>ALL opinions on ANY topic regarding UF are highly appreciated :)</p>
<p>How challenging are the classes?
A: It depends on your major. Linguistics classes are a little tougher electives because the grading scale is a 93%+ but they are absolutely doable if you put in some sort of effort. Math and sciences are definitely more difficult (especially engineering)…but again…doable. Understandably, your major is integral in predicting the difficulty of your classes.<br>
Opinions on the dorms?
A: The dorms are decent, but dorm life definitely wasn’t for me. I’m not finnicky and decided to go with Jennings, a very social dorm located in the heart of campus. I couldn’t have been more miserable. I work hard during the day and appreciate having the room to myself…my own space to relax in. I did not get that with the communal showers, laundry area, OR my roommate. That being said, my best friend here loved the dorm experience and her roommate; they are rooming together in an off-campus apartment this year. I, however, am part of a social sorority with organized social activities on the regular (weekly) so I get more than enough social time. If you’re not thinking about joining clubs or going Greek then it’s tough to socialize initially from my understanding. This is where the more social dorms come into play - they really can help you in getting to know people.
Is there any good style among the students or is everyone decked out in Abercrombie and Hollister?
A: There is fabulous style everywhere! But seriously, the most common attire is gym shorts and t-shirts for girls and regular pants/shorts and t-shirts for guys. Oftentimes you can spot out Greek t-shirts, but this is the the only separating factor. Oh, and shoes? Sandals. Now, when you go out you might be able to differentiate those from South FL (girls might dress in tighter dresses or more Bohemian, guys would have V-necks, gelled hair) and those who aren’t. But as a general rule of thumb, nobody cares what you wear, at least in my experience here.
Pros/Cons Gainesville?
Pros: College town, all services are catered to students, period. Things are open late (about 12 is when things start closing down) so they fit their business hours to your schedule.
Cons: You’re a number; the school doesn’t care about you or your success at all. This is a double edged sword because on one hand you learn to be very efficient and focused or you perish in a tough major…on the other hand many students don’t have the chutzpah to pull themselves together academically, and this can result in lost talent/major changes/major stress. It is up to YOU to seek out tutoring and identify your weaknesses. Oftentimes, TAs aren’t even helpful. But let me tell you, when you finally do reach success (even the little successes) it’s a great feeling.</p>
<p>Gainesville is found on several top-college town lists…museums, clubs and theaters abound. But some on these boards will deride it as a “swamp” or “cow-town”. You need to take a visit, explore, and decide for yourself. Here is an overview from the NY Times that will give you an objective starting point for forming your own opinion:</p>
<p>[Home</a> to the University of Florida, Museums, Gardens and Florida History - NYTimes.com](<a href=“http://travel.nytimes.com/2009/03/06/travel/escapes/06American.html]Home”>Home to the University of Florida, Museums, Gardens and Florida History - The New York Times)</p>
<p>Thank you Vertigo for your lengthy reply!!! Extremely helpful
And as for visiting campus, I’ve been there multiple times due to my father’s obsession with Gator Football. (We have season tickets and both my parents attended for undergrad.)</p>