Pros & Cons vs University of Florida

<p>I’m applying to both, and assuming I’m accepted at both, which one would be the best choice? Could you give me the pros & cons of each school? Socially, financially, and academically? What are the best major programs at each school? Greek life system at each? </p>

<p>Why dont you tell us more about you so we can provide better answers…</p>

<p>What is your home state?</p>

<p>Financially, much will depend on whether you are instate for either or if you qualify for large merit from Bama (FL isnt’ great with merit). And will depend on how much your family will pay.</p>

<p>What is your intended major? </p>

<p>Have you visited either school?</p>

<p>What are your stats? GPA and test scores? (include SAT breakdown)</p>

<p>Due to my parent’s divorce, I’ve lived in both South Carolina and Alabama my entire life.</p>

<p>I’ve visited both Auburn and University of Alabama a few years back when my brother was applying and truth be told I can’t really remember any of them. Never visited University of Florida though.</p>

<p>I’m probably going for Med or Psychology. </p>

<p>I’ve got a 3.9 GPA, my SAT was around 2200 if I remember correctly, and my SAT was a 34.</p>

<p>I’m not really looking for a huge amount of diversity -which I understand sounds terrible- because I tend to do better with people like me. </p>

<p>And are there any Baptist or Methodist churches nearby or on either campus?</p>

<p>Financially, depending on your stats, UA is probably going to be better. They offer more scholarships that are also far more generous than UF. Socially, college is what you make of it, you can be happy at either school. Try to look up the clubs and extracurricular activities at each school, one may have something the other doesn’t. Academically, UF is currently ranked higher, but I wouldn’t put much weight on that. Both are excellent Tier 1 schools with good reputations. Both schools have great engineering and business programs, as well as medical and law schools. I visited UF last year, thinking I would apply there. It’s a nice campus, but it’s a very different feel from UA, in my opinion. Definitely visit both campuses if you haven’t already. In the end, it’ll come down to which school you feel offers you the most. I don’t know much about UF’s Greek life, but at UA it’s expensive and competitive. I would guess that it’s similar at UF.</p>

<p>Thank you. I’ll try to visit both of them soon. </p>

<p>Oh, just saw your stats. You’ll have full tuition at UA which does have both Baptist and Methodist churches on campus.</p>

<p>Thank you so much. And thank God they’ve got 'em, it really seems like most colleges are straying away from churches on campus. One more thing, I play volleyball, does UA have a team or club of some sort?</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Loads of different churches / worship centers on the UA campus and very near campus!</p>

<p>They sure have strayed, it’s a shame. I’m Baptist and I’ve been getting emails from a couple different churches around the campus for a couple months now. They really reach out to you to get you involved early, and I’m sure the other denominations do the same. They have two intramural volleyball teams- one sand and one regular. They also have a spikeball club which is kind of similar to volleyball. </p>

<p>I’m probably going to be faced with the same dilemma assuming that I don’t get into unc or uva with significant merit…</p>

<p>33 ACT and 4.0 GPA, currently ranked 1/526 in my class. I do realize I’ll be awarded the presidential scholarship</p>

<p>I live in florida and have already visited uf and I’m going to Alabama next month. I feel like I’ll end up loving both equally and Florida is in state for me so the costs will be similar overall…</p>

<p>It may come down to whether or not I get into Florida’s honors college, it’s going to be a tough choice :/</p>

<p>I’m looking to go into either economics or math, something along those lines…</p>

<p>I want to get into Greek life which is probably very similar at both, similar partying I’m sure, and sports and school spirit are prevalent at both. I’m really going to be torn.</p>

<p>One con for uf is the fact that a lot of people from my school usually attend attend and I kinda want to get away from all that.</p>

<p>Do you go to high school in Alabama or S. Carolina?</p>

<p>What was your PSAT score?</p>

<p>My decision is going to be hard to make…</p>

<p>@marlierae UF is not going to give you very much money. You will be paying lots of money vs. getting a full scholarship at Bama. Also, I always get the feeling that students are just a number at many Florida universities (UF, FSU, UCF) vs. the personal attention and TLC that you will likely get at Bama’s honors college. UF has increased the number of online classes to the point where many students live in Gainesville but have at least half (or more) of their classes online.</p>

<p>The only school in Florida that may give you a scholarship and has the small school feel is the University of Miami. Even then, it will still be a better deal at Bama. Don’t get me wrong- I think many students can go to FSU or UF and thrive- my oldest D did. However, I wouldn’t pay OOS tuition for what they are selling. </p>

<p>I am a Florida resident and have a Florida Prepaid Plan for my D and my S. D will qualify for the highest level of Bright Futures. Regardless, the severe budget cuts and lack of resources in Florida schools are a real turn-off for me. </p>

<p>As the parent of another Florida resident student, I echo the sentiments of @InvolvedmomFL. We would, and most probably will choose Alabama 10 times out of 10 in a comparison. Now, if you are going to be a NMF (DS will most likely become one) the new Florida Incentive Scholarship Program will cover the COA for 4 years at any Florida Public University. This might give some the reason to rethink this.</p>

Isnt that just for Florida residents? If so, that wouldnt help the OP. </p>

Have you asked your parents how much they will pay? Unless they are affluent, I doubt they will pay the OOS costs for UF, when you have less expensive alternatives.</p>

<p>I’m sure she’s already considered cost and affluence doesn’t necessarily have to do with paying OOS tuition. Plenty of parents pay OOS for their kids without being wealthy.</p>

Since she asked about “Socially, financially, and academically,” that suggests to me that she hasnt already considered cost.</p>

<p>Plus, she mentions that her parents are divorced. Not many divorced parents are willing to shell out OOS costs unless cost isnt a big concern. </p>

<p>Regardless, that’s a personal issue. Obviously you have to talk with your parents at some point but there’s no harm in being interested in OOS schools. </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids after talking to my family, we all kinda realized cost wasn’t really a problem with us. They just want to make sure I can get the most out of it. I plan to go to Med school, which I understand UA has one in Birmingham that’s really nice. But I haven’t really heard too much about UF’s med program, which tends to mean they don’t have one. </p>