Prospective Black Ivy Leaguers for class of 2018?

<p>Here is the template my D found for her letter of interest. I will look for the actually website to link for you, if wanted. I hope it helps @lydiamanglin</p>

<p>What should I include?</p>

<p>Writing a LOCI is similar to writing a cover letter. You want to first address WHY you are writing the LOCI, and then proceed to explain your interest in the school. While there aren’t any definite things that you should include in the LOCI, it’s highly recommended that you only include information that you think would be helpful to the admissions committee.</p>

<p>While you’re writing the letter, it’s a good idea to also explain any changes that have occurred over the first semester. For example, if you had to switch out of a class because of scheduling problems, be sure to make note of that (or at least inform your counselor so that they can include it in the midyear report) so the school will know why you chose not to take a certain class. However, the LOCI is to show the school(s) why you belong there, so if there are things you want to add, go ahead as long as you’re not repeating yourself over and over.</p>

<p>So basically: get to the point by explaining what you can contribute to the school (specifying particular programs is always a plus), what things have changed (if any), and why you’re still interested in attending that school.</p>

<p>How long should the LOCI be?</p>

<p>Similar to college essays, your LOCI should be clear and concise. However, unlike in college essays, the LOCI should only include new information that was not previously mentioned in your application. Therefore, the LOCI should not exceed more than one page, because at that point the additional information you’re offering probably isn’t extremely helpful. Remember, the LOCI isn’t like a college essay; the admissions committee just doesn’t have the time to read a long letter since they already have to review regular and deferred student applications.</p>

<p>Who do I submit the LOCI to?</p>

<p>In most cases, the person you should send the LOCI to is either the admissions office OR your regional admissions officer (who you can find by looking on the school’s official website). Depending on the school’s procedure, you will likely have to email, mail, or fax the LOCI to the admissions office or regional admissions officer. If you’re unsure about who to send the LOCI to, contact the admissions office and they should be able to help you. Some people argue that sending the LOCI through the mail is more professional; in my opinion any method is fine as long as the letter itself looks presentable. Remember, they’re looking at the contents and presentation of the LOCI, not how it was sent.</p>

<p>In terms of who to address the LOCI to, a safe greeting to use is “To Whom It May Concern” or other synonymous phrases. If you want to go into more detail and include a header, you can address the entire letter to the admissions committee so that it would read, “University of X Admissions Committee.” That way you don’t have to worry about incorrect naming since you’re technically using the proper term.</p>

<p>Wow, That was really thorough! :)</p>

<p>Thank you VERY much @Anxious4Results</p>

<p>Your welcome!</p>

<p>How is everyone holding up. My D has become so involved with her first school offering acceptance that she does not seem anxious at all about the results in March. I am happy for her. If she goes with her first choice, it is fine by me! LOL</p>

<p>“Tulane gave my D a $28,000 “Founders Scholarship,” plus we’ll get FA.”</p>

I’m wondering about this statement. If you will get FA above and beyond $28,000, then Tulane would give you that same amount without the merit scholarship, correct? </p>

<p>The merit scholarship is based solely on grades/scores. FA is based solely on family income. Our EFC is about $11k (based on FAFSA), so including the scholarship FA should come in at around 20K (I used their financial calculator.)</p>

<p>@picktails–What I am trying to say is that if she had not been given the merit scholarship, they would just give you
48k of FA, correct? Rather than 28k merit/20 FA? Either way you still have to pay the 11k? I sorting through the FA maze and I want to know if I am interpreting things properly.</p>

<p>I believe so, sorry! From what I have read the financial aid calculators are not always so accurate, so fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Recently received my first acceptance and financial aid package from one of my safety schools…</p>

<p>That awkward moment when a $48,000 merit scholarship and “oh-so generous” financial aid award still leaves you $85,000 in debt. Ha, NO :(</p>

<p>I applied to like 14 schools all RD except for my state school
So far I’ve been accepted to Vanderbilt(Mosaic), Duke(likely), Rice(likely), and my state school honors college.
Duke is definitely my favorite as of now, but I haven’t heard back from several other schools or visited the campus yet haha.</p>

<p>@publius96 We applied to similar schools (minus the likelies piece :frowning: )- I think I totaled around 13 schools in the end lol</p>

<p>Is April 1st a generic date for receiving admissions results? I feel like many people are receiving answers earlier…</p>


<p>Most schools will notify you either in late March or by April 1 so dont worry. Likelies are sent to a really small amount of applicants so dont feel bummed out. You still have a great chance for admission if youre a strong candidate! Plus by applying to so many schools, you’ve got a lot of options haha</p>

Congrats on your success so far! Can you tell us about yourself?</p>

<p>I love this thread. So encouraging to see everybody aiming so high!</p>

<p>I’ve already said it on another thread, but got a likely to Brown. I’m also applying to Harvard</p>

<p>Best Pi Day EVVEERRRR!!! </p>

<p>Accepted into Wesleyan and CORNELL UNIVERSITY <3</p>

<p>My D just got accepted to Vandy, WashU & Cornell. Still waiting on Duke and the Ivy’s!</p>

<p>My DD got into Wesleyan today!!! Congrats to all of you amazing young men and women! !!!</p>

<p>I’m so excited to see that everyone is doing so well! I applied to Stanford REA and was accepted. Stanford was my absolute number 1 choice so I withdrew my ivy apps. Go Cardinal!!</p>

<p>My D was accepted to Bowdoin and Brandeis over the past few days. Ivy Day approaches!</p>

<p>I got into Brandeis too! @picktails do you know when the aid money is announced? These acceptances will make Ivy Day easier to wait on.
For all (@Wescap and @LDGQQQ), is the merit aid pretty good you are getting? I think I have to have full tuition to really consider most someplaces (other than an Ivy since they don’t do merit). I am too scarred of loans!
Friend got into UofChicago and early writes from Duke and Vandy! He is a heavy hitter and waiting on 4 or 5 Ivys.</p>

<p>This board will be blowing up Ivy Day and I think with good news for a lot of you!</p>

<p>@hsgrad - Agreed! This has made Ivy Day A LOT less stressful. I feel like I can actually enjoy the rest of my senior year now :)</p>

<p>Congrats everyone- SOO excited about all the ambition and the corresponsing results. You all deserve it!!</p>