Prospective Class of 2018

<p>Hi Gertrude-Thanks for letting us know what the recruiter said. We’ll all keep our collective fingers crossed! If you don’t mind posting when you get back from your trip we’d love to know what you and your daughter think of U.A. when you visit.</p>

<p>Thanks southlander. Sounds like you have experience with the band. Any guesstimate as to the cost for a single year? Sounds like we’d have to cover uniform, hotels, travel, etc.</p>

<p>Hey CA parents! Bi-coastal mom here. We lived in San Leandro for 10 years. Been back on East Coast for 12 years. I still work in Oakland and commute a week each month. DS was 8 when we left, he chose to go back to his CA roots and is a junior at USC. DD was 3 when we left and she has become a Southerner. She is 100% Bama Bound as long as the scholarship requirements remain the same. Looking forward to going thru this admissions journey with y’all!</p>

<p>DD got a text from a girl a year below her asking about UA and the volleyball program.<br>
I know nothing on the volleyball program? UA is recruiting her. Don’t think she has visited yet and we recommended she do pronto. DD told her that UA has 23 NCAA National Championships and has a strong base that supports their athletic programs.<br>
Any thing we need to tell her about volleyball at UA?</p>

<p>@collegedadnh - what instrument does your child play? DS played last year in the trumpet section. Not really any costs to speak of. Early in the year the kids buy a package that includes a number of things like a water bottle, moisture wicking band shirt and stuff like that. Cost was around $50.</p>

<p>Uniform, travel, hotel and most other costs are covered.</p>

<p>At least that is how it worked for DS and trumpet. Drum line has a few other requirements and times they have to work and I really can’t speak for the Crimsonettes.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have more questions.</p>

<p>SEC volleyball is on the rise. They are doing things similar to the SEC softball programs. At this point, Tennessee is the best SEC team. Two girls from my D’s club team have committed to Alabama. They are rising seniors. Both terrific players. Several years ago, SEC softball was a joke. Now UT, 'Bama and UF are in the mix for a National Championship on a regular basis. I think SEC Vball will follow suit.</p>

<p>@memphisguy, my son plays the sousaphone but does not own one (very expensive). If costs are covered that’s VERY nice. What’s the time commitment and would you think there would be openings for sousa players? He’s interested in music in general (very musical kid) so as we proceed down the college app path we’ll be looking at music opportunities at the various colleges under consideration. UA marching band would be pretty cool though and would give him an immediate group with common interests. Lots of positives there from my pov.</p>

<p>@collegedadnh - cant tell you much about the sousa’s except that there was a big ole line of them last year so I imagine they are always looking. Not 100 percent about instruments that are normally owned by the school but heard a few things last year that would lead me to believe that they do that too.</p>

<p>As far as time, it is fairly significant. 2 hours every afternoon and home game days are basically all day Saturday. Away games have extra travel days but they don’t travel to all games, only about half of them.</p>

<p>Agree with the built in group and the positives, we were very happy son was in MDB last year. Great experience for a freshman.</p>

<p>We just received D’s personalized itinerary for our visit on Monday - Neil in the Honors college office arranged a full day of tours & meetings tailored to my D’s interests in science and the choral department. So far they have been exquisitely helpful and responsive. Very impressed!</p>

<p>UA will be one of the colleges I’m applying to this fall, as long as scholarship requirements stay the same (I got a 32 on my ACT). </p>

<p>My family and I are also visiting this fall and going to a football game, which I’m really excited about. It’s probably the easiest game on the schedule, Chattanooga, but it was the only home game that wouldn’t interfere with my XC season.</p>

<p>I received a response today saying the scholarship information will be posted July 15, but there will be no changes to the Presidential scholarship. This isn’t to say others will change, I just didn’t ask about them. Also, the application for 2014 is open. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^Speaking of the application, I just finished filling out the freshman application, but I’m a little confused because it did not ask for any important information. Just identification info, address, school, all that. Am I missing something? Or will they contact my school directly for grades, ECs, etc? I already sent them my ACT, so that shouldn’t be a problem.</p>

<p>Sorry if this is a dumb question, but this is my first college app, and my parents knew as little as I do.</p>

<p>Exciting news! Thanks for the heads up Bamagirls! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>0000Chet, you will need to have your high school send your transcript as well. Even if you just got out of school go ahead and email your counselor and see if they are still in and you can request and pay for that to be sent to UA now. If they are not in then contact the school districts admin building and someone may be able to help you.</p>

<p>If you do get ahold of someone that can send your transcript, go ahead and have that sent to any other school you may be interested in applying to as well. Since the Common Application opens up August 1st your school may not be in yet and you could get ahead now with everything.</p>

<p>If you took any AP or IB tests this past May, have those test results sent to UA as well. You will be super glad they have them already as they need them on file to give you credit in order to enroll in a higher level course this time next year.</p>

<p>TxNewCollegeMom, thanks for your help! I will be sure to see if I can get ahold of my guidance counselor tomorrow.</p>

<p>I pulled up the “print” version of the application and it only went as far as Summer 2014. Fall 2014 was not listed. Is the online version different?</p>

<p>Makes me a little nervous! Not sure I’m ready for this!! (nervous mom here!)</p>

<p>Yes, the online application allows applicants to select fall 2014. I didn’t look at the print application.</p>

<p>Beady mom, I was nervous too! And I am 3000 miles away from DD this week! I had her fill it out and I went in and checked it and added my CC info. The 2014 online app does not ask for your senior year schedule like the paper app does! </p>

<p>Experienced Bama CCers, will DD get an email with a CWID? It says you need that to get a myBama account.</p>

<p>She will get an email, but my D’s was available on mybama before the email came, so you could check there.</p>

<p>Thanks Beth’s mom. It looks like you need that CWID to set up myBama though so I guess we just have to wait for that email!</p>