Prospective CompSci major looking for help

<p>I got my early action results back yesterday and am looking for some advice on where to go now. I made it into the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), but wasn't quite as lucky at Stanford. Essentially, I'm looking for suggestions on where else to apply within the next few weeks.</p>

<p>As I alluded to in the title I'm hoping to go into Computer Science. I am, however, also looking for a well rounded education that includes opportunities to learning outside of my major. I'm not really all that interested in going to a School of Technology (i.e. Harvey Mudd, Caltech, MIT) because I'd like to go to school in a more diverse environment. I'm fairly happy with U of I because I understand that they have an excellent CS program, but I'm wondering if there are any other schools I should be applying to in the next few weeks.</p>

<p>If it helps, I'm a white male from Illinois with a 4.0 uw gpa, 35 ACT, 2350 combined SAT II (790 chem, 800 math, 760 spanish). I'm captain of the debate team at my school and won a national award in a software engineering competition.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>

<p>UIUC is definitely a top CS school, so you have a great “fallback” and can take some chances on highly-ranked schools if you’d like. I would maybe look at Cornell, Princeton, and Rice if you are interested in applying to other elite private universities like Stanford. All three have top-notch CS w/o being too tech-heavy. A few suggestions for additional public universities are UC-Berkeley, Michigan, Texas, and Washington. I’m not sure any of the latter list is worth non-res. tuition over Illinois, but maybe scholarship and FA offers can even it out. Obviously you have a decent shot at getting in anywhere you apply. Good luck!</p>