Prospective engineering question. Please help?

Hello everyone.

I am an engineering applicant who was accepted to Purdue for fall 2019. Thank you! I love the school, but I am in the process of deciding (sorry, I will be alluding to UIUC in this post too, but I need your help)

After FYE, I plan to pursue Industrial Engineering. I know Purdue’s IE department is amazing, but I have a few questions.

Firstly, about these “emphasis areas”. What do they exactly mean, and how do I market that to potential employers, because it’s not gonna show up in my transcript? Are there separate classes for IE students who chose a particular emphasis? What area did you choose, can you change midway, and do you feel that it helped you?

Secondly, about the specialization. The MAIN reason why I want to come here over any other university for IE is the Software engineering specialization. Could someone please tell me how selective the program is, and how a “specialization” is different from an “emphasis area”? I know this will show up on my degree. Also, how was your experience doing this specialization? Basically, does it add value, more than the emphasis area?

Thirdly, I know UIUC does “fast tracks” that are similar to Purdue’s “emphasis areas”, but there they have rigid separate classes, courses and schedules, and it is does show up on my degree, and I feel it is more of a pathway to finding my specific field to study in IE at grad school. I kinda like it more. Do you think that is better than Purdue’s way? Or worse?

Lastly, I know your answer will be biased, but Purdue vs UIUC?

Thank you so much for reading. Comprehensive and long answers will be greatly appreciated.

Here’s the FAQ about IE emphasis areas:

I have a freshman FYE, transitioning to chem e but I think I can answer some of your questions.

Part of the required seminar course for 1st semester of sophomore year, after you’ve transitioned to your major, does a deeper dive into the emphasis areas so students get more direction about what to choose, so you have some time before you need to decide.

My understanding is that once you’ve transitioned to your major, there is no competitive process for taking specialization courses, you just need to meet the pre-reqs.

As far as how to market yourself, the career center has helped immensely with my dd’s resume. She has already landed her co-op thanks to their help. Purdue strongly advises freshmen to visit the career center the first month of school and to go to the career fair to practice. Take advantage of that, it’s an amazing resource and they’ll help you package yourself appropriately for companies.

FWIW, my daughter will have her concentration, plus a minor, plus a collaborative leadership certification. The minor and the certificate will be on her transcript. There seems to be more flexibility than we expected probably because Purdue accepts so many AP/DE credits.

I have zero knowledge of UIUC’s program so can’t respond to that part of your question.

And of course, Purdue is better ; ). Boiler Up!