Prospective Student

Hey everyone! I’ve been lurking these forums for quite some time and I have some questions about the school. (I will be a senior this upcoming fall)

  1. Does taking the portfolio path lower your chances of acceptance or financial aid? I got a 1480 sat composite score, which I know is pretty bad but I’ll be studying all summer, so I’m hoping to at least get a 1800. If I do get an 1800, should I still do the portfolio path AND submit my score?
  2. Does being a minority help admissions?
  3. I know this question has been asked a couple times, but how is the social scene? Is the school really only full of snotty upper-middle class white kids? I’ve heard some people say this but the school outputted media seems to make it seem very open and progressive(is this all for show)?
  4. How generous is the college with need based aid?
  5. Other than clubs and student organizations what other things are there to do near campus?
  6. How is the computer science department, is it good? What about the 3-2 engineering program?

For most of your questions look at the data here:

Section C shows admitted students info and section H shows aid info.

As far as what to do, Portland has all kinds of things going on - festivals, concerts, good food, one of the largest independent booksellers in the country, …

I don’t know anything about their comp sci and I probably would not recommend a 3-2 program to anybody. You have to leave your friends after three years and have an extra year of costs to pay. If you really want engineering then go to a school with engineering.