prospective students visiting schools during the year

<p>hey gang,
alright i have been wanting to talk about this for a while now and i havnt seen anyone bring it up so i thought i should. what i want to talk about is students, parents, and families visiting schools throughout the school year. i know at andover and exeter for example that over 3000 students request info and about 2500 or so apply (give or take) and atleast 1500 of those kids or more visit the school during the year. alright what do you guys think about this. wouldnt it be very very annoying to always see and have students looking and going into the school and walking around the campus and always have people "disturbing" the school. i know they dont go into the classes but having to have prosective students doing campus visits from septemeber till february would be pretty flippin' annnoying to me. like i have done alot of visits before to many schools and nobody likes to deal with that one ignorant family that is completely shocked and "blind" to everything that goes on. note this is usually a very rich asian family and or almost always. like i have done campus visits before and i know that we do disturb the campus alot and students look at you. when you got a pack of 5 familys mobbing through the hallways during class it is very loud and annoying for the students and honestly most students do not like having to deal with prosective families on campus, sure there are a few who like to be the student guide but the majority of stuents hate it. if any of you have any input on this please let me know</p>

<p>At least at exeter its not really a problem. People actually do want to be tour guides. They aren’t really annoying. You don’t really see them. My whole year I’ve probably seen less than twenty tours total. They usually come when we’re in class.</p>

<p>It never bothered me at all. Like almost there said, they’re aren’t really annoying and you don’t really see them…usually you’re in class. I never found that they were ‘disturbing’ the school. The only time you really notice them is during open house/revisit days when there’s a lot of them, and even then it’s not really a big deal. And at least at my school, the only time there would be a “pack of five families” would be during open house/revists, otherwise only one family toured together at a time…and at open house/revisits you expect to have that many people around.</p>