Prospective video game designer - apply undecided, not CS, to up my chances?

<p>I think I have an alright chance at Cornell (~3.8 UW GPA, 34 ACT, hard classes, around top 10% if not in, good ECs, etc. from a competitive public HS - just to give you an idea; I don't mean to turn this into a chance thread). However, Computer Science probably by a long shot makes the most sense for my career, and from what I understand it's a very selective department. My education no matter where I go won't be entirely focused on CS - I also want to take a few art and design classes (for career reasons) and foreign language classes (for personal interest). Would it be a good idea to apply undecided (or somewhere else, though I can't imagine where), with the intent of transferring or just taking a lot of CS classes somehow, in order to up my chances of getting into Cornell?</p>

<p>At Cornell you don’t choose a major going in CS, which happens to be in both CAS and Engineering.</p>

<p>I think in engineering you choose at the end(ish) of your first year, and at CAS you declare at the end of second year.</p>

<p>Correct me if I’m wrong, I am reciting this from memory only</p>