Proud Cane Parent

<p>If any Parents have any questions they want answered by a parent of a recent graduate class of 2011,please ask</p>

<p>Do you know how and when we will receive the provost’s honor roll certificate if we qualify?</p>

<p>Bit random, but hey.</p>

<p>That one I would not know.</p>

<p>Best semester to study abroad?</p>

<p>Crador, you don’t get an actual certificate. It just shows up on your transcript. If you go into MyUM and go under Academic -> Semester Grade Report it will show it at the bottom.</p>

<p>Cane parent class of 2011 here as well.</p>

<p>Study Abroad- Likely most popular Junior year. My son went first semester sophomore year as he was planning on graduating in 2.5 years. Had so much fun at UM, at our suggestion, he stayed the full 4 years and picked up a second major and a minor.</p>

<p>My daughter didn’t do study abroad.She really didn’t want to leave the Campus…She was in Marching band and loved the whole football tradition,and was involved in so much on campus.But I do know that when she was thinking of doing it ,it was also her junior year.</p>

<p>My S also did not want to be off campus for a whole semester, so he did a summer study abroad session. I think when to go really varies by student and their program of study.</p>

<p>Your child receives a letter congratulating them on qualifying for the Provost’s or President’s List about a month or so after the semester ends. Also, each school has its own Dean’s list, and they get a letter about that too. The designstion is on your transcript too.</p>

<p>When do we find out if we got into the honors program/college? When we get our acceptance letter or later?</p>

<p>My D got a letter (snail) inviting her into the honors program 10 days after the acceptance email came. Also the notification of her college (RSMAS) was included in the initial acceptance email (her myUM).

<p>“Cane parent class of 2011”</p>

<p>Interesting group title Crazed, I guess I should chime in.</p>

<p>S decided to do Study Abroad the second semester of his Sophomore year. Reasoning? He still could take general electives there and not worry about missing required classes for graduation in his major and minor by being overseas Junior or Senior year…A lot depends on your students course of study as to when would be a good time, along with “soft” factors like wanting to be at Miami in the fall, extracurriculars, etc.</p>

<p>Kind of a General Question overall, are there much kids from the mid-west (IL) that attend U of M, or is the school mainly attended by kids from the Southern Florida area and thus the “cliques” or the groups of friends have formed before the year even starts… that case tends to be true in some of the schools in downtown Chicago that mainly suburban kids transplant to</p>


<p>My son is a freshman at the U this year, and we’re from the Chicago suburban area. At the event we attended in Oak Park over the summer, they told us that there were 90 something kids in the 2015 class from the Chicago area. Now that he’s there, his friends are from all over the country. His experience would tell me that there weren’t many “built-in” cliques.</p>

<p>My Daughter was from NY,besides Florida, NY,and NJ have the highest enrollment.After that you have Illinois.Ohio Pa,Virginia,Texas and California.The school had sent us in one of there brochures a break down of enrollment.I have to agree with VHFather they will make friends from all over the country,and these friends will turn out to be very impressive,down to earth kids.It is really true when they say you are a Cane for life.</p>

<p>VH and Mike, thanks a ton! Now to wait for this EA decision</p>