PR's "11 sat tests" 2006 vs 2011 ?

<p>Hey !
So I have the 2006 tests book from a friend, do I NEED to buy the 2011 edition or is it a bluff ?</p>

<p>I don't mind paying 20 bucks for it, but I don't want to WASTE 20 bucks..
Thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.</p>

<p>P.S, yes I know the blue book is "better", it's just not available where I live (outside US)
Thanks !</p>



<p>Correct. I find it difficult to believe that you can’t get hold of a copy of it.</p>

I have the 2010 edition and it STILL have typos. 2011 might not look any better</p>

<p>You guys love the blue book huh ? I guess it is the highest quality… As a believer in conspiracy theories I keep thinking the blue book is TRYING to make you fail so that you take the SAT’s again and again and again and keep the money flowing in ETS’s bank. </p>

<p>How is “McGraw-Hill’s 12 SAT Practice Tests with PSAT, 2ed (McGraw-Hill’s 12 Practice Sats & PSAT) [Paperback]” </p>

<p>This and the blue book are 12 dollars, I figured I would get both if i’m already ordering from overseas ?
Is the Mcgraw hill test book better than PR ?</p>



<p>It’s not about quality; it’s about the fact that taking tests that were written by the same people who will be writing the actual SAT that you take is very important. </p>



<p>And how could the Blue Book achieve that? </p>

<p>Almost all of CC’s high scorers support using the Blue Book as one’s exclusive source of practice tests. Clearly, it works.</p>