ps help

<p>Uc application</p>

<p>Prompt #1
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.</p>

<p>Countless times, I’ve heard people declare, in songs and reality that their cities have, “made them who they are”. Their identity is synonymous with their hometown. When they hear their name or city of origin’s name, they respond proudly.
My city has shaped me too. Although my identity is not synonymous with it, my city has contributed to who I am at present.<br>
I have lived in the city of Gardena for the totality of my life. To this day, I reside in the same house, a debilitating familiarity.
On occasion, I digress into the greater South bay area, but I’ve spent the majority of my life from the view of my driveway were cars were permanent residents.
My driveway, on most weekends would be as far as I’d integrate myself with my community on Daphne Avenue. Most of my neighbors are retired and their kids have grown up and left their childhood homes. Because of this, I was often left without a playmate to double dutch or share secrets with. Although my neighbors’ grandchildren would visit, their stay was only temporary. For them, my driveway was a momentary getaway.
But, to me, it was where I was able to let my imagination wander and dreams soar. I remember, pushing my build-a-bear Naomi around in a stroller, nursing her, caring for her. Although, it was unbeknownst to me, what career path I’d like to take; I knew that I wanted to care for and help others.
I tended to all of Naomi’s self-imagined needs. Naomi nurtured me as well. She allowed my desire to care for others to prosper.
When the sun went down and the moon appeared, Naomi and I went into my house to watch reruns of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit on the USA Network. I found it astounding how Dr. Huang, a FBI psychiatrist, was able to analyze and assess people. He solved problems and made an impact through effective communication. I idolized Dr. Huang because he was able to break barriers and establish healthy relationships with people.
My experiences with Naomi and Dr. Huang inspired me to venture beyond my driveway.
I dream of traveling the world and becoming a linguist to break language barriers and unite seemingly isolated worlds such as those I witnessed from my driveway.
I aspire to be a researcher, psychiatrist, and gynecologist to dissipate the shell I've been trapped in for the totality of my life and break my cycle of familiarity.</p>

<p>Ask that on the essays board…</p>