PSA - Fall "transfer" 2020 - Updates, Q/A, Information

@OMGdontblink …you are CORRECT (this is why I LOVE all this help from this forum)! I was getting PSA’s “you can use dc hours” confused with PTA. So, NOW we need to be comparing PTA with direct-transfer from Blinn!! I think another expert mom on this forum tried to “tell” me that…but didn’t “dumb it down” enough for me! :slight_smile: Thank you all, and I’m SURE I’ll be asking other questions…so, please be patient with me! :slight_smile:

@2NDGENAGGIE all the best to you and your daughter. This forum is wonderful and FB group Aggie Parents is also a wealth of information. I am a U of H Cougar graduate but I am learning the Aggie ways!

I feel that if you have a solid dual credit gpa then straight transfer is a solid route. If your dc gpa isn’t that grade then PTA might be better. If that makes sense.

Makes complete sense. She’s in Honors at the Community College (3.833 GPA) that offers dc at her HS. I’m just COMPLETELY freked out b/c, with a 3.9 non-weighted GPA and a 28 ACT (plus all the volunteer hours, internship at Attn’s office, etc, etc.) I would have thought she would have been offered at LEAST Gateway or TEAM. NOW, I’m just horrified that, since Blinn is very much like (same profs) TAMU, she might not maintain a 3.8/4.0 GPA. I have no idea what GPA required by TAMU to “straight transfer”, or, classes required. We’re meeting with Blinn & TAMU next week…so, I’m eager to learn requirements for all 3 options. I created a spreadsheet with PSA & PTA requirements and questions. Anyone know TAMU LibArts requirements to “straight transfer”? Or, where I can find on their website?

Your daughter wants SEAL - right?

But remember it’s holistic - so it is better to be above the minimum.

yes, SEAL, but now looking at other Majors (since SEAL requires 2 minors…and, for Law School undergrad doesn’t matter). I have her pouring over the Catalog today & tomorrow to confirm Major now.

I’m going to throw this out there - just because when I toured UTD I thought it sounded super neat. But neither of my daughters is remotely interested in law school.

UTD does not offer a specific “pre-law” degree. You can major in anything. Seriously, anything - even a fine arts like music. But they have a pre-law center that keeps whatever degree you choose on track with the pre-requisites for law school admissions.

It sounded intriguing to me. You can tailor your degree to your interests. And I think they have over 90% law school acceptance rate.

Yes, every attny & judge we’ve met says, “Undergrad does NOT matter, what matters is a 4.0 GPA & passing the LSAT.”.

I’m not sure what your concern is about the two minors. The degree is a standard 120 hours. I think what is different is with SEAL you take 24 major 18 or so philosophy and 18 or so another minor if interest.

With a program like Visualization - you have 64 to 70 VIST and ARTS hours. So it all ends up that same amount of classes. 120 for the visualization degree.

Correct all degree plans except engineering I believe are 120 credits. 2 minors fall into that.
My son wants law school too. He’s doing mgmt with prelaw focus. And I don’t think there are any true prerequisite for law school. Econ and philosophy majors do the best statistically on the lsat. It’s the liberal arts background that really helps. Extra English, arts and philosophy really do wonders foe their comprehension and analytics “they” say.

@2NDGENAGGIE Blinn isn’t a cake walk, but it’s not Tamu. There are profs from tamu but most are not. Smaller class size helps a lot. She will do fine to keep her gpa up. With liberal arts… 3.5 or higher is pretty much a sure thing.

Those that have submitted their applications, did you get a new UIN? My son finally completed his application via ApplyTexas, got the confirmation email from ApplyTexas, but has not received anything from TAMU. Just curious what you have seen timeline wise…

@JaceyK feel sure it was the same UIN. The confirmation email from TAMU took a couple of days I think.

@scotsfi thanks - he found his UIN but password doesn’t work - tried to do the password reset where they ask for DOB, but it says it’s wrong. lol Told him to wait for the email from TAMU.

@JaceyK my son received a new UIN number and it took two days to receive the application acknowledgement email.

@AggieMomhelp can you message me?

Hey everyone - please make sure to submit current PSA school’s transcript to show work in progress - will have to submit a FINAL one too after semester is over. So they will receive two copies - one showing last Fall and current classes in progress, and one after this semester is complete.

Question - I know I saw someone say not to worry about the red X next to application fee - but it’s worrisome seeing that under where it says they must have everything by 3/1/2020 (not postmarked).

@JaceyK My son had a red X next to application fee for about 2-3 weeks. I called over to C Stat and the person I spoke with in Transfer Admissions Processing said it’s something the system eventually works out for itself for PSA applicants as long as you checked the “applying via PSA” (or similar wording) box on the app form.

@JaceyK it took a couple of days to get the UIN from A&M. It was the same number he had last year. It also took about two weeks for the check mark on the application fee. It will happen eventually. We had the TAMUCC sent at the end of the fall semester but before spring classes started. You think we need to send something again to show they are currently enrolled in spring semester?

@OMGdontblink The transcript you already sent will indicate not only classes taken/grade & hrs attained in Fall semester but also classes enrolled for this Spring semester as they did all this before the break, so will be ‘live’ info included on the transcript. Maybe if you’ve had a schedule/class change it may be worth submitting an updated one ??

@OMGdontblink I wouldn’t assume that the classes in progress on there - find out what TAMU received. Just to be sure!! My son is working on getting a current transcript submitted - I asked him to see if he can order final in advanced so he doesn’t forget about it.