PSA - Program for System Admissions

Just wanted to confirm…if they indicate they are interested in PSA and select a school, they do NOT need to take any further action. A&M will send student’s information to that school. Is that correct? My son still isn’t 100% positive this is the route he wants to go, but he went ahead and selected PSA Sports Management option (his 2nd choice major) hoping he can minor in Business once he gets to A&M, then move on to get an MBA. He put his housing deposit at Texas State (Business Honors) and we are visiting TTU tomorrow. Hopefully, he will get some clarity soon.

@Jaceyk, what days are you doing which campus tours? We’ll be at Tarleton 3/26–wondering if we’d cross paths.

Thanks all for updating us on what you are learning. We have one kid and really did nothing toward college searches until about a year ago. I thought there were four options to any college: admit, reject, defer, waitlist. All these alternate options took us quite by surprise!

@libbyshims , thanks for the update on CC housing! (post #178) That is definitely good to know.

@daleNchip well you’d think my son would learn not to put all eggs in one basket after this, but he seems pretty set on TAMU CC. We changed the tour date 3//22 from Tarleton to Corpus Christi instead. Will plan accordingly after this visit. Ball is in his court the whole way, right?

Hi, I have been following but it took my daughter to create the account before I would post anything. I was content learning some great tips from y’all.

My daughter was one of the disappointed (to say the least) that she was offered PSA. Ok jump forward, what i thought would be a great slow transition into college life via a smaller campus etc, one year and she is an Aggie. First year Bims is all math, bio, and chemestry. No problem, just a detour, right? Wrong… Apparantly since Bims is not a PSA major, the PSA advisor is directing her towards biochemestry major and told me that when she picks her major and does one year, and meets all requirements she is not going to her initial pre-vet BIMS program, but she would go to A&M as a biochem major. Has anyone else heard that the major you choose for PSA is the major that you keep going back to TAMU?

@Mooboogoo that is correct. That is the way the program is intended. Now the question is… how strict are they when she’s a sophomore or junior? Like could she change at that time or are they tagged as a no go for certain majors? I can’t see how they would keep up with all of it.

If you find out differently, please let us know.

@AggieMomhelp thank you for clearing that up for me. I was completely misunderstanding and thinking she would go to A&MBIMS but reading closer and understanding more now after meeting w/ PSA advisor I am real scared to trust that they will allow her to Transfer into BIMS, its a gamble for sure. When i spoke with BIMS at CSTAT they couldnt understand wjy a BIMS major would even be offered PSA and after speaking to his supervisor he told me it if frowned upon to try to go BIMS after PSA. I dont want to think my kiddo could be stuck in Biochemestry when becoming a vet has been her only dream. So backup plan B is looking a lot more safe for her. PSA would be 2 semesters, plus another semester at TAMU after she meets the transfer rquirement to even get in BIMS. Does anyone know why they offeredso many BIMS PSA if they dont have a true program for them within PSA?

@moogooboo @AggieMomhelp We met with BIMS advisor for over an hour on this at CStat campus yesterday. I’ve got a pre-vet girl too! Pls see my post on this thread if it helps in anyway. Change of major is allowed to BIMS with all proper pre-reqs for CBK after 12 graded hours to apply for BIMS upper level. Many courses match under a couple of PSA degree plans and there are specific requirements for sequential classes as listed for BIMS. Interesting that it would be communicated that they frown on PSA when course work is from a system school and their admissions requirements are the same for transfers whether it be from jr college or other 4 year colleges. They don’t even require change of major meetings anymore! Idk. Seems like they’d want to see those CBKs done at Cstat and not elsewhere. Hmmmm. Best wishes to all.

@tisulli - wait isn’t quite over (for his dad and I that is) he is still weighing decisions. lol

If my son accepted PSA offer for 3 schools last Thursday night, about when should he be hearing back from those schools? Getting antsy about housing.

@JaceyK it took us a few days to hear back from the school and then about 8 business days to get the final acceptance. If he is looking at Corpus see my post #178 about housing at CC. It may put your mind at ease just a bit.

For those interested or going to TAMU CC, I found this page:,%20PSA.html

@JaceyK Our family heard back on both our PSA decisions (CC and Tarleton) around spring break in each son’s respective years. I know the antsy feeling but both times my sons picked exactly what they wanted for housing. Corpus Christi has actually added several housing options since my oldest son went there. I know it’s hard but just remember- if it seems they’re moving slow on your child’s paperwork, they’re probably moving slow on any competing paperwork, too. ?

@Mooboogoo my kiddo got offered PSA and was a business major first choice & nutrition second. Neither is offered PSA. We were told by advisor not to go into PSA thinking she can change major when getting to College Station. They said they won’t say it never happens, but not to count on it. She decided as much as she loves A&M and wanted to be an Aggie, she doesn’t love it enough to be stuck in a major she doesn’t want and possibly a career she doesn’t want just to be an Aggie. So she has moved on to other options. I feel your pain & confusion & wish you luck in deciding!

@moogooloo and @jaceyk for all kiddos wanting bims because they want to be a vet… so many come into vet school with other majors. Some even liberal arts. As long as they take the prerequisites to apply to vet school, you can apply and be competitive.

So many majors that will get you where you want to be. That’s my motto

Hello all, anybody visited Commerce yet? Appreciate if you can share info.

@aponiventoy Check out @alstro post:

171 in case link didn't work.

thanks @JaceyK and @alstro :slight_smile:

I finally received clarification on the Tarleton housing confusion! The following is from Kelly Roell at Tarleton:

If your son is a true incoming freshman (newly HS graduate) that is a PSA student then he will have a chance to request his building preferences and indicate if he wishes to live in his college or not. The options for housing would be hunewell, annex, heritage, legacy, legends, centennial.

My son was accepted at Commerce and we’re waiting on Tarleton. I’ve been very impressed with the timely responses from Commerce! Although my son is leaning more toward Tarleton, I’m confident Commerce would be an great choice for anyone considering their campus.

YAY! My son decided on CC–woohoo–just signed the lease for housing and am waiting to get the Islander ID so he can get registered for the Islander Launch where he registers for classes. So you know…there is now that stress…never ends I am starting to see…haha.