PSA - Program for System Admissions

found this:

You will not be allowed to register for classes until you provide proof of vaccination. For freshmen and transfer students, registration is during your New Student Conference (NSC); therefore, it is best to provide the documentation to Med+Proctor at least 4 weeks BEFORE attending your NSC.

@AggieMomhelp thanks! I’ve been putting off making her 18 year well check
will schedule tomorrow!

No matter which institution your child attends, it is important to have the FERPA form in place the day they step foot on university soil. Because they are adults, the college cannot speak to you about them. For any reason. My middle child had to have an emergency appendectomy during finals her freshman year and professors needed to be contacted. Because we had no FERPA form in place, we were helpless until she was recovered from surgery enough to contact them. It all worked out ok and the finals made up the following semester, but it is a helpless feeling when important things need to be done and the one that can do it is incapacitated.

It is also a good idea to get medial power of atty for your now legal adult child. If your child is in an accident, you don’t have a say and they can’t talk to you without it or permission.

I will also recommend that when touring the campus with your student, find the Student Health Center. It is so much easier knowing how to get there when you do become ill than trying to locate it when they are ill. The Health Centers are great and the Pharmacy is on site.

Get your student’s flu shot before coming to campus. Profs don’t care. Figure out what you need to do if you miss lecture. Every year there is a break out of flu on campuses. My son’s freshman year at A&M, the flu hit during Rush Week which was the week before Howdy week and it carried on for weeks.

@Thelma2 can you post the link (either on this post, or another) with TAMU CS FERPA?
Also, is there a standard/general medical power of attorney form to use?

@52AG82 While we did ours through our atty for the medical directives, the Texas Health and Human Services has forms

A&M has a form of Certification of Dependency,-Policies-Procedures/FERPA/FERPA-Notice-to-Students#0-CertificationofDependency

Your student can also invite you via their Howdy, to have access to their grades.

Current students may authorize parent/guardian access to view certain non-directory information (e.g., grades) within Howdy. In order for parents/guardians to gain access to this information in Howdy, the student must request it via the My Record tab in Howdy. Once a student is no longer enrolled at Texas A&M University, a parent’s/guardian’s Howdy account will be inactivated. If a student re-enrolls at Texas A&M University, the student may re-activate the parent/guardian Howdy accounts. Once parent/guardian Howdy access has been inactivated upon their student becoming a former student, parents/guardians may still contact the Registrar’s Office to obtain information on their former student, providing the parent/guardian is able to demonstrate eligibility to receive this information in compliance with FERPA.

Here is the whole page,-Policies-Procedures/FERPA/FERPA-Notice-to-Students

@Thelma2 thanks!! As always, you’re a wealth of great info!!
My husband is an attorney, tho he definitely doesn’t do any kind of ‘family/general’ law, he could easily draft up a document, find one online & have drawn up and notarized.
Is it necessary for parents to be on the student portal? My daughter will say I’m being a ‘creeper’. She has always handled her own school stuff, so is there a reason I need to be?

@52AG82 NOOOOO. do not be on their portal. In fact it’s “illegal” (probably not the correct term) for them to share their login/pw with anyone. You, as a parent, will have your own portal and can access their dining acct, parking, bill pay center and get mid term (for students with less than 30 TAMU hours only) and final grades (all students). Trust me, you don’t want to be in their day to day stuff. It’s a lot. One thing to preach to all of our students is
 check your email twice a day minimum. That is their biggest way of communication and a student can easily miss a revised syllabus, due date, helpful hint, etc. etc.

@AggieMomhelp ITA. On Facebook, there is a Paying for College 101 group - someone’s kid got flat out rejected by TAMU because they never received HS transcript. Mom is floored by this (just found out last week) and doesn’t understand how their kid got rejected. A lot of the responses were “did your kid get emails? did your kid check their portal? etc etc etc”. One thing I don’t know is if TAMU actually sent out emails or reminders to complete their application process (only because my kids completed pretty much everything - my daughter had exclusive control over her portal, my son just said “here’s my username and password” without any prompting from me lol). Does anyone know if TAMU actually sent out emails prompting for application completion? Anyway, I felt bad - kid was ranked 4 out of 89 and supposedly had a very high ACT score - mom was confused by the rejection because she thought he was auto admit. Whether or not it’s the kid’s fault for not following up on emails or portal, I have no clue but anything is possible. Who knows? And if I am not mistaken (I read it wee hours this morning), I think this was only school he applied to.

BTW I think the schools (elementary and secondary) are feeding into the frenzy of parents wanting to stay on top of kids with the grading software that is available online. This trends into college where parents just can’t let go of the habit. I, myself, am one of those parents but I am happy to report that my daughter manages her own grades and such, and I have had zero access to it since she started college. Will do same for my son - let go. :slight_smile:

When my oldest son was at his NSC, they told us that the parents need to use their own portal and the students use their own portal. They said that if you both happen to sign onto your students portal close to the same time from 2 different locations, the computer would lock that portal for safety reasons.

@AggieMomhelp great info! I definitely don’t want to be on her Howdy portal. When do I get my own portal, maybe at NSC? She’s my responsible child, I’ve never checked grades in high school, she did all her own college applying, submission, has done everything A&M related, etc.
I will remind her about checking 2x daily.

@JaceyK about the kid who got denied
my gut says the kid flat out never checked the account/followed up. I have been overly impressed with A&M’s correspondence. My daughter gets most of it, but I do get some emails. I find it very hard to believe A&M dropped the ball. Doesn’t the Howdy account show every last step & detail-what’s in review, been completed, etc? Unless they submitted the application super late, didn’t the mom wonder why they hadn’t heard anything from A&M? Kinda both to blame.
And a boy with a super high ACT may mean he’s very smart, but often not a lot of common sense (I have a child like that).
Hard lesson learned

@JaceyK : WOW!! What is that guy who was denied (because his HS didn’t send in his transcript !!) going to do now? Is Appealing the Denial a possibility? Will he just wait and apply for Spring 2020? I hope that he doesn’t just give up on his dream to be an Aggie and apply to a school where the deadline hasn’t passed yet. I can’t imagine how awful he and his family feel right now. This isn’t a situation I would wish on anyone.

If Appealing isn’t a possibility, applying for Spring 2020 would be my choice, not that anyone asked me, LOL. If he will still be an Automatic Admit, that sounds better than starting somewhere else and transferring later.

When he appeals or reapplies, perhaps he can include an essay on what he learned from the experience: TO CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK that all documents are received!! if he sits out for a semester, maybe getting a job for the Fall will also help him with learning how to manage his time and responsibilities, etc. And if it is a full time job, that will really help him with time management and will make him appreciate college when he gets there. As long as he doesn’t get sucked into spending all of the money he makes and gets too happy with not being in school.

Please keep us posted on that situation if at all possible. I worry about all of the students on this forum, NOW I’m gonna worry about THEM! Aaarrrrrgggghhh!!

@52AG82 You may be able to sign up now. Go to howdy portal. Click on parent access. You’ll have to have her UIN to link I believe. It’s been a while so I truly can’t remember.

@JaceyK @AggieMomhelp @52AG82

The link I sent is for the student to grant the parent limited access to the Howdy portal. The parent uses their own user name and password. The parent does not get full access to the Howdy Portal. It is Limited access. You don’t get to see their grades on assignments and stuff, so let’s not go making this more than it is. It is a limited access for final grades, transcripts, etc. And with me paying the bill every semester, they show me their grades every semester. Below a C and they pay me for that class, at $900+ a pop.

For our family, we have used it one time in three years when a transcript needed to be accessed and printed and he didn’t have access where he was and the ability to send it off and it needed to be done asap.

There is also a different portal where you will log in to pay your student bills.

These are different than the AIS portal login, which the kid got denied because of lack of transcript. No, A&M does not send emails to update an applicant on their transcript being incomplete. They expect the applicant to monitor their own portal and take care of things. That is sad that this was overlooked. Once accepted, students will also receive a lot of emails that they need to pay attention to. This can be an adjustment for many, as in high school, they don’t communicate as much by email but by text/groupme etc.

My son had a transcript issue when he applied to A&M. Nothing out of the ordinary showed up on his AIS except that it just never showed complete. He finally called about. He has sent it Aug 1 when applications opened and actually submitted application first part of Oct. He was academic admit and should have received acceptance shortly thereafter and had not. The issue was taken care of. Had he ignored it, he too, would have not been admitted.

As AggieMomHelp and @2xAggieMom said, you do NOT EVER log into Howdy using their login info. They monitor ISP and if the student logs in from on location and another login is detected 100 miles away, they will shut that sucker down and you have locked your kid out of their portal to their horrendous detriment.

Yes limited access but you can do parking and dining and midterm grades/final grades. And that’s how I access bill pay as well. Super helpful when you have two kiddos there lol.

I do use it when I get the text
 “I’m out of dining dollars” ?

My son visited Prairie View A&M today and met with the PSA Adviser and Admissions.
Admissions confirmed DS is “on the list” but said they have had difficulty uploading the PSA list from A&M and should have it worked out by tomorrow and official email by end of next week. I can’t say enough good things about the campus. Nice facilities, welcoming staff, informative tour. School has many great traditions and is extremely affordable in comparison to other schools we have been considering. Top 25% and 1260 will get you almost 100% tuition covered. Architecture, Engineering, and Nursing programs are well respected. Just putting this info out there bc I haven’t seen much said about this option. Also, campus is more diverse than one might expect.

@laxmom2000 I have driven by PV A&M hundreds of times, but I’ve never actually been on the campus. I have many teacher friends who got their masters there, because of location. That’s great to hear they have nice facilities and a welcoming staff, and sounds like the price is right! And yes, many nurses in the Houston Med Center get their nursing degree from Prairie View. Campus is diverse because it is a historically black university. Many great traditions at PV A&M!

We did the tour and wow was it long, just over 2 1/2 hours. We learned a lot about each individual building. It was pretty deserted but we heard that’s normal for a Friday afternoon. Son overall liked it but it did feel like a commuter school. It is in a beautiful setting for sure. We met with William Coari and he laughed when he saw how prepared we were with our degree plan and the courses all mapped out. ??? He said the most important is to make sure you have the math prerequisites. Almost all PSA there start in Calculus. I would think a lot of PSA would have the prerequisites. DS is ok because of ACT and SAT scores. He said everything really happens at orientation. Bring your transcripts so you can sign up for the correct classes. He also said they are the biggest PSA campus. Even bigger than PSA that go to Tarleton. I think he said they have 350 but it might have been 250. I believe he said they do try to keep PSA kids together. It’s all starting to run together after that long tour. Their first year they are put into

“The First-Year Learning Communities, our award-winning, nationally recognized model, utilizes small learning groups to encourage students to draw connections across different fields of study and apply those connections to the real world. Students will develop critical thinking skills through study, discussion, writing, cooperation and collaboration.”

We liked the sound of that. At least two of their professors are also involved. We had a freshman tour guide and she said it was tremendously helpful and helps the students transition well and feel apart of the school. We did not visit the dorms because we were all starving at 4:00 pm and not having eaten all day. Don’t ask ?. But William said there was still plenty of housing as of right now but it will start filling up after Islander Day.

Also make sure you know what course numbers your dual credit and AP courses apply to at TAMU CC and TAMU CS and verify and stay on top of it. He has had students accidentally sign up for classes when they already had dual or AP credit.

@JaceyK @OMGdontblink - just an fyi for housing TAMU-CC if they are PSA they are required to have Mirimar because of the 9 month only lease. They won’t be able to apply for Momentum.

I just wanted to check back in with an update. We toured both Commerce and Tarleton last week. Tarleton was the clear winner and my son is excited about his decision. Tarleton had his acceptance ready for him when we went to his PSA meeting. Unfortunately, Molly Stewart was out sick so he couldn’t get all of his questions answered. He has scheduled his orientation for May 18th and picked his dorm. He’s definitely looking forward to connecting with other PSA students when he gets there.