PSA - Program for System Admissions

@daleNchip my son is there now. A is by the door. B is by the window.

We had a mix up when he was signing up last year so we are positive about this…?

@wewait I just talked to my son and he said that he knows several PSA people in Centennial who are not affiliated with Greek Life. He doesn’t think making like-minded friends in that dorm will be a problem.

Add another Tarleton housing issue to the list. It sounds like they are just plopping people into dorms with no regard for what was requested. My daughter and her friend put down to room with each other, but so far only my daughter was given a room and the roommate is not the one she requested. Her friend still doesn’t have an assignment even though they applied within a day of each other.

We called and were told they would put us on the waitlist but no guarantees. Friend called and was told “somehow a lot of people’s roommate requests were overlooked this year”. She is also on the waitlist to get hers fixed. I am hoping since she hasn’t been assigned a roommate yet they will be able to switch my daughter over and backfill behind her. It’s very disappointing since both girls did exactly what they should have. It’s their error, but they aren’t acting like there are any guarantees they will fix it. I am trying to be reasonable considering it is just a student answering the phone and there is so much time still to fix it. I just want them to have something go right. Living together is the only thing they were looking forward to. We are going to orientation on the 18th, so if it isn’t fixed by then we will be driving out in time to go by the housing office in person.

@wewait That is my fear with their ability to correct their mistake. She got one of the dorms she wanted, so if they had done it correctly in the beginning she would have the correct dorm AND roommate. I am worried that when they “fix” it they will say “but we can only put you together if you move to a different dorm”. I’m guessing Centennial isn’t as big of a deal for guys…they really wanted the bigger bathrooms in Legacy/Legends.

Anyone headed to TAMU-CC Islander Launch on May 17th?

@libbyshims We go on June 3rd.Hope all goes well for you. How is your student’s schedule piecing together? I know the PSA advisor there is proactive in getting things started ahead of orientation date/day on campus.

@scotsfi and @libbyshims Bill didn’t say anything to us about being proactive. We don’t go until 6/28 - it is only time we can realistically commit to going.

@JaceyK …on his FAQ section on PSA page he gives a timeline when he will contact students to begin considering class schedule. This starts 2 weeks out from Orientation date I think. But in a previous post didn’t you mention about FYLPC and finding classes to fit what your student already will bring from HS? Perhaps I’m mixing you up with another PSA student going to CC? By proactive I meant you will hear from him prior to orientation day so you can have some class/schedule thoughts going in.

@JaceyK I have scrolled back & it was another parent who posted about FYLPC/class schedules - my apologies.

@Scotsfi @jaceyK The PSA advisor is amazing! He does send an email a couple weeks from your orientation date and shows you how to pick your FYLPC and other classes. My son put his on an excel sheet with class number, , description, date and time and sent it to Mr. Coari and said he was able to schedule him. He did stress that if he schedules you prior to your launch and you don’t show up he will cancel your registration. So from what I gather from my son and the emails that I have read and re-read, he is already registered. But I’m not 100%. I will for sure update you guys on the morning of the 18th! Also, have your kiddo check their islander email - they should receive a notice from the Sandollar people to upload and send in a picture to get their ID ahead of time. This being said, my son sent his in around April 20th and hasn’t heard back if they have accepted or rejected his photo. So hopefully that part is complete. I did look up the launch and they do have the schedule for the day up so you can start to plan. Although, I’m not sure how to do that part yet. lol I’m hoping to remember if the beds can be raised for storage underneath and if there is carpet or not.

@libbyshims I seem to recall that the beds have drawers underneath them so I am not sure they can be raised. At least for the suites with jack-n-jill bathrooms.

@Scotsfi @jaceyK @libbyshims Our son got an email Monday that Mr. Coari is no longer able to pre-register PSA students in anything other than their learning community. Something changed and he is not happy about it. If you were lucky enough to get your schedule to him prior to Monday you may still have the classes he pre-registered you for.

Good Morning, PSA peeps- Just got back from Islander Launch yesterday at TAMU-CC. Here is a quick rundown for you.

We got to the campus around 7:45am and they were already checking people in. Got our gear (had eaten breakfast at the hotel) and they offered breakfast. Told us they would start the presentation at 9. My son had uploaded his picture for his ID so we headed to the Sanddollar office and waited for them to open at 8. Got his ID card -which if your student hasn’t uploaded his ID card, make sure they do so ahead of time. We walked past the office at a later date and there was quite a lineup. Back to PAC where we ran into Bill Coari and my son double checked on the schedule thing. Because he was one of the first ones to respond to the email, he was able to get registered. Mr. Coari said yes, they told him he could no longer do that so anyone that had not responded to the email to register, had to do it that afternoon. Because my son was already registered, he said he didn’t need to go to the registration time set for him and we were able to bump up our seminars if we wanted. He said that they are very strict on the schedules and won’t let anyone check out until 3:30. Went into PAC for presentations which were nice -basic welcome etc. Then the PSA kiddos went to a separate breakout with Mr. Coari. He spoke about the process for the year, registration for Spring classes, how to reapply to CS as well as his philosophy with advising students. This guy is awesome.

Next we went through the activities/groups on campus-this was super fun and my son loved it. Nice to just let him go and I wandered around on my own. Lots and lots of opportunities for the kids as well as support. LUNCH! Pleasantly surprised at the dining hall and the food selections. Very different from where I went to school. We had some time after we ate so we quickly zipped over to Mirimar and asked if we could see the model room for the dorm my son picked (Anchor/Private). Because we have signed the lease and picked a room we didn’t need to do the entire housing tour. They were more than accommodating so off we went. This was awesome for both of us to visualize, as when we did the campus tour, they were testing the fire alarm in the building and all we did was a quick in and out. Was able to take pictures, look at placement ideas for TV, shelves, etc.
Off to the afternoon sessions- I’m not going to go into all of them, because each one will have something different for all of us to takeaway. Because we didn’t have to do the schedule registration for my son, he went to the Tech on the Island while I went to the parent seminar. We met at housing and then ended the day with campus services. We were back at the PAC to checkout and grab his schedule at 3:30 and on the road back to Katy! If you need to do the schedule, you will most likely be there until 4:30. However, there are campus tours and housing tours in the afternoon, so that is an option too. Because we had a prior campus visit along with preregistration we were able to get out early. I would highly recommend going to every session. The Campus services one was in my opinion the most informative for us because they go over Sanddollar, Meal accounts, mail, etc. The tech my son said was good as they had him log into his email, and go through the processes of tech on campus. I asked about a laptop and adding Office etc. I was told almost all software is available free to students so that is nice. I asked about laptops and was told it really is personal preference. Some have Mac, some have PCs, one student I spoke to has a full gaming desktop in his dorm and has a 700 laptop that he uses just for school. Ooohhhh, you get tons of swag! Lots and lots of pens, cups, frisbees etc. I actually took our bags to the car and emptied them of the swag and just kept the folder in them for the day. This worked great, because by the end of the day it was full again!
Sorry for the run-on sentences, only one coffee this morning. Please feel free to comment or message me if you have any questions! Shakas UP!

@libbyshims Thanks for the great information. I will be re-reading it a few times. Did you son get an email about submitting a photo? We haven’t gotten anything regarding a sending in a photo.

@OMGdontblink @libbyshims I too did read somewhere about the suggestion of sending in a photo for ID card prior to orientation - it may have been on the info my son received after he’d signed up for Orientation? It does seem like a great recommendation if it saves time in a long queue on the Islander Launch day itself. There must be a link in their SAIL account to upload/forward a photo?

@OMGdontblink I found it! …check this link

@OMGdontblink yes it came in his tamucc email.

Was anyone at Tarleton Orientation this weekend?

@Scotsfi @libbyshims Thanks!

@Thelma2 the FB group I belong to is also for ALL Aggie parents so I’m not sure what you are getting at.