PSA - Program for System Admissions

@tisulli Update …payment box & DC transcript now green check marks. Guess things moving along daily!

You will find out in May. They have to complete their spring semester before anything can be done. NOW if they were straight transfer and they had 24 graded hours completed (including DC) and all of the required courses were done, then they could accept now for the Fall. That’s why I’m not a fan of PSA.

HOWEVER, do not fret about NSC dates. Transfer students go to only certain ones. My daughter started a spring semester as a transfer and they did NSC a week before school started… not an issue. I kept telling her, 'they’ve done this before, it’s going to be okay" and like always, I was right… just kidding… but I was right in this instance.

@Scotsfi good to know! nothing has changed on my son’s DC transcript status. hopefully soon.

@JaceyK LOL @ jerking us around. I get flashbacks from the stress they put us through last year.

@tisulli The “official” admitted status is processed by each college of study so it can differ for different students. I have had 2 sons do the PSA program. One was official around June 6; the other on June 13. I agree that the date of your student’s NSC will not matter much. Also, when my youngest son picked his NSC, there was only 1 choice. A&M added more choices and he was able to switch his dates. Finally, continue to watch for the green check on his transcript from his DC hours. One of my son’s friends requested, never checked that they were sent, they weren’t and he didn’t get in to A&M.

@2xAggieMom he has a green check this morning so I can mark that off the list! I can’t imagine the devastation your son’s friend must have felt…that’s brutal.

How did you learn of the PSA event/class held by Prospective Student Center in Arlington? Did they email you? Did you call? TIA

@nlv1229 My son is PSA attending TAMU Corpus Christi and it has turned out to be great for him. It is a much smaller school than TAMUCS and we feel it was better to ease him into college. Learn to maneuver on a smaller campus before he moves on to the mother ship. It has been a great experience for him. He has met a lot of other PSA students and they have become friends. He is very focused on getting to CS. We all felt the sting of getting PSA but in the long run we are saving money by being at TAMUCC so that’s a plus. There were 400 PSA students at TAMUCC in the fall. Good luck to you.

@OMGdontblink How were you saving money?? LOL - it cost more for my son to attend TAMUCC than my daughter at TAMU CSTAT. I was shocked.

@jaceyk I thought the tuition at TAMUCC was cheaper than TAMUCS (fees etc)?

@OMGDONTBLINK I dunno - I just know we had to pay more to cover the bases - my son even got the most basic (required) meal plan, and he got smallish refund. Who knows.

@jaceyk I just hope it about the same! We also have two in college and man we are feeling it! Even if we have college savings accounts, it hurts a little to see that money go.

@OMGdontblink On second thought, it could be because my daughter doesn’t live on campus - it is considerably cheaper than living on campus.

Us too! Best thing for my son to be at TAMU-CC. He was considering staying in the early Fall, but has decided to reignite his passion to be at CS. He has completed the required docs on applytexas, and received his newly activated (same #) AIN number…here we go, again! Hope this time the process is quick and not so painful. lol

Hello, my daughter is interested I doing the PSA program with Commerce, can anyone that has done it through this school share their story?

Any West Texas PSA kids here?

Has anyone heard of a student receiving admission if right under the 3.0 gpa for psa?

No but I have heard of one with a 2.96 that didn’t get in… it may depend on the major, not necessarily the gpa. The 3.0 is guaranteed so it doesn’t mean that under a 3 is an automatic no. May have to go straight transfer route.

I dont know if this is the correct place to ask - but for CURRENT Fall 2020 PSA students/families - Im not feeling 100% as if the Fall is really gonna happen. As you all know, things have been changing nearly daily - what if A&M and the system schools say the Fall is a no-go and it will all be online? How can I feel comfortable at this point saying that my son will be leaving in 2 months and possibly sitting in an overpriced dorm for online only classes? I assume if we choose to keep him home and do community college during this turbulent time, he would lose his PSA offer…anyone else feeling the same?

I would look at the PTA and straight transfer options for his chosen major. Just so you can have all the factors on the table when making the decision.

I know some Texas Tech families are not pleased with the shift to mainly online.

Does anybody here have any tips for a student going into Tamucc for the PSA program to pursue computer engineering? My financial situation is not the best and this is my first time moving out on my own with no support from anyone.