PSA - Program for System Admissions

Her second choice is Nutrition. Which she is interested in. However, I don’t see that as an option either.

But there is a “Food Science & Technology” which appears to fall under the same general umbrella as Nutrition. But I can’t figure out if she could do that and then be a Nutrition major at A&M.

I am going to try to call tomorrow. But I have limited times I can make calls at my job. And I have a feeling they will be getting a lot of calls tomorrow!

@2xAggieMom How did your son find other PSA students at CC? My daughter is concerned about finding friends that she can make as a freshman and then keep as she moves to A&M the following year. She is discouraged at going through the transfer and I am looking to give her some successful examples.

Thanks for your insight.

@Scotsfi i’m sorry if i wasn’t clear. all eight system schools were present before and after he selected his major. i have read that is not the case for everyone but i don’t know the reason.

Yay! My kid got a PSA offer today!! <:-P

My kid will likely end up at Tarleton. He wanted CC (and it was available to him on the screen) but without guaranteed on-campus housing, that’s a no-go for us (again, your family may feel differently and that’s cool). If he can select more than one, I am guessing he will choose Tarleton and Commerce. Each of those is 1:45 from us–not to close but not too far.

Dang, I have so much work to do for a presentation tomorrow. But all I want to do is celebrate! And research these dang schools, LOL. Good times.

@tisulli Ah - OK ! Thanks for sharing this and CONGRATS on the PSA offer and moving along so quickly/positively with it!

Congratulations @daleNchip
Totally get the on campus need. I had the same for my 3.

@wwd9191 They have a PSA pull out session at the New Student Orientation. He just looked around and when he later recognized them, he tried to strike up a conversation. (The PSA students have at least 2 or 3 meetings throughout the year) He also just asked people as he was talking to them throughout the year. My younger son is part of a group on social media where they share. My older son was acquainted with a couple of other PSA students at CC but was not best friends with them. They moved into a 5 bedroom apartment when they got to A&M and then became best friends. They are now life-long friends and he will be in 2 of their weddings in the next year. It’s hard to get up the nerve to talk to strangers but if you know that you have something (PSA) in common, it can be a conversation starter. My younger son met a PSA student in the hotel elevator at his NSC at Tarleton.

@wwd9191 Living in an on campus dorm and eating in the dining hall helps with meeting people, too.

@Mommydoodle If she chose the major “Food Science and Technology” via PSA, that would be her major at A&M, not nutrition or food science.

However, she could do the PTA program or plan attend elsewhere and transfer to Nutrition. Here is a transfer page from the School of Nutrition and Food Science

If I have around 20 Dual Credit hours would I be able to finish with the PSA process early or is that not possible?

@GabrielTamez Have a wee read thru this ‘Requirement to enroll at TAMU’ … Complete at least 24 transferable hours in residence at a single system school during the fall and spring semesters.
It’s from this link which has lots of other pertinent PSA info and some FAQ/Answers. Hope this helps!

@GabrielTamez No, you will not be able to finish the PSA process early.

Here is the main PSA website with all of the info. The FAQ section will also be very helpful.

Find the participating major you are interested in on the web page and compare it to what DC classes you have completed.

It depends on the specific classes you have already taken and your intended major at Texas A&M. Before accepting the PSA offer.

Dual credit can be used to satisfy a bolded italicized course on the Major Course Sheet. However, you will still be required to complete at least 24 hours in residence at a single system school by the end of the spring semester of your first year in college.

You may want to call an Admissions Counselor in the Aggieland Prospective Student Center by calling 979.458.0950 and discuss your particular situation to see it the program is right for you.

From what I learned, bold class must be taken from system school. Dual credit can’t be used to satisfied it.

@texas99 What I posted above is copied and pasted from the website, under the FAQ section. Could you be confusing what you read with perhaps a Blinn Team Admissions Agreement or Transfer Course Sheet of a particular major?

@Thelma2 Good morning! My son received a PSA offer yesterday. Do you think selecting 3 schools from the system list would be acceptable to buy us some time to visit /check out further these options? Or would that be frowned upon/just not the way to go about things? His major hasn’t been ‘set’ by A&M in this PSA offer to reflect his original major choice on his A&M application - infact the major drop down box has a lengthy list of majors for him to choose from - this kinda threw us a wee bit? Thanks for your insight.

The major he applied to is no longer relevant. The only majors open to PSA program are the majors listed. Not all majors at TAMU participate in PSA. Those ones listed are the ones that do. The system school does not have to have the specific major itself.
From the participating majors on the website, clicking the course sheet will show you the degree plan they will follow at the PSA system school. Though the PSA system school may not have the exact TAMU major, they are able to take the A&M major classes at the system school.

I do not know if choosing more than one school is ok and buys you time. I would call one of them, or the Aggieland Prospective Student Center at 979.458.0950 and find out. If you do, let us know what you find out!! I am sure others have that same question.

@Thelma2 Thank you! I have just had a very worthwhile and informative 25 min chat with the PSA coordinator at Tarleton. I learnt SO much. They call themselves the ‘Little Aggies" or perhaps that should be Lil’ Aggies!! She suggested selecting 3 would be OK/acceptable as that then gets the wheels in motion for paperwork being distributed out from A&M & over into the system schools hands . She stressed the timely importance of receiving confirmation of PSA place from the system school as you need that letter of acceptance to be able to register for an orientation session. At Tarleton (can’t speak for any others)… the early bird gets the worm re. best dibs on class selection etc. I guess her main message was don’t dilly dally. Of course their big Texan Tour was just this past Saturday !..but their website is very comprehensive.

My daughter received PSA and her intended major is not on the list (kinesiology BS/MS Athletic Training). I spoke with an advisor from this department and was told that she likely cannot do the PSA route and be able to enter CSTAT in this major even if she takes the exact same classes at a PSA school that she would have taken at CSTAT.
They advise that many students try to take advantage of the PSA route and are ultimately not successful in getting into their intended major. It appears PSA is a tool for A&M to fill non-impacted majors only which makes sense and I think it’s great that this school offers so many opportunities for kids to make it to CSTAT

Her Dad is an Aggie and like so many on this forum she just fell in love with this school. She is sad to have to move on but luckily has very good alternatives.

Good luck to all of you who are able to take advantage of this option!!

My son was offered PSA last night as an out-of-state applicant. He is (we are) disappointed, but he’s interested in getting all of the facts to weigh against his other schools.

He selected all 8 schools because he has no idea which one, if any, he would select. I grew up in Texas, but he’s grown up in Michigan, so the PSA locations are not familiar to him (nor me in many cases!). Hope it’s not a bad idea to have selected all; I guess we should narrow it down a bit?

Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back as to which of the schools you selected will accept you?

Also, his first choice was Mays, 2nd was Econ. He selected Econ on the dropdown above the list of all 8 schools. Should he change that to only a major that’s on the list? Strangely, Econ is not there.

Is there a thread here for PTA? We would like to be able to compare & contrast. PTA DOES list Econ, so it might be his choice. Have a few PTA questions. If there’s a better location for those, will anyone please let me know? Thank you!

@CMR1997 The website for Tarleton says that they will contact you in 5-10 business days through the email address you have on file with A&M. I would think that each system school would have a similar time line.