PSA - Program for System Admissions

@tisulli Corpus has only received the application and fee. Not the test scores or transcripts. I manually sent the vaccination records. Hope this puts your mind at ease. :slight_smile:

Setting up tours for Tarleton and Commerce. Weā€™ll be on the 11am tour at Tarleton on March 26 and the 9:30am tour at Commerce on April 2. In case anyone wants to join the party. <:-P Dudeā€™s sending emails to the PSA academic advisors at each to set up an appointment for the same day (we hope).

We are limited to Tuesdays due to scheduling. No DC English that day, nor tennis tournaments. Ugh.

Daughter received PSA and sheā€™s trying to move forward. Goals are BIMS and then apply for Vet School. Talked to PSA admissions, and although biochemistry PSA is identical to 24 hours of BIOL PTA plan, itā€™s still an extra engineering math. PSA admissions recommended looking at BIOL PTA plan, and transferring in with 30 hours and then guranteed start for fall of sophomore year. Admissions says BIOL is popular track for Vet School. But how is that when BIMS & Vet School are linked together? However, Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s wise to go jr. college route to satisfy coursework. Talked to BIMS this morning and it was suggested to change majors to BIMS and NOT to take jr college classes to vet school pre-reqā€™s. So, weā€™re stuck. She has acceptance at Texas Tech and OSU. Daughter wants to get to A&M campus ASAP. Anyone have experience with pre-vet, BIMS entry here via any PSA option, and then changing their major to BIMS? I was advised that transfer isnā€™t hard if you meet the requirements from another major. And I thought I read somewhere that you didnā€™t have to declare a major with PSA upon entry to A&M, just select a major that helps meet your coursework. Weā€™re so confused. (Once again, BIMS, BIOL does not participate in PSA). Anyone?

@bluebird94 I found this on the BIMS page scroll towards bottom:

**VETERINARY MEDICINE & BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Change of Major Requirements ā€“ Effective January 30, 2019

2.50 Biomedical Science (BIMS) change of major information

12 or more graded hours completed at TAMU
Must have less than 75 hours completed (including transfer, dual and AP credit)
Must attend a mandatory change of major meeting
A minimum of four (4) CBK courses completed; courses must have a grade of ā€œCā€ or better from TAMU or a grade of ā€œBā€ or better if completed at a 2-year college
Two (2) CBK courses must be taken in sequential semesters at TAMU (i.e., fall BIOL 111, spring BIOL 112 or spring CHEM 101/111, fall CHEM 102/112 or fall CHEM 227/237, spring CHEM 228/238)
CBK courses: MATH 131 or 142 or 147 or 151 or 171; BIOL 111 & 112; CHEM 101/111, 102/112, 227/237, & 228/238; PHYS 201 & 202
No more than two (2) semesters of not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Advising Office is located in VIDI 123; Email:
2.00 University Studies ā€“ College of Veterinary Medicine (USVM) change of major information

12 or more graded hours completed at TAMU
Must have less than 95 hours completed (including transfer, dual and AP credit)
Must attend a mandatory change of major meeting
A minimum of three (3) of the following science or math courses completed (a grade of ā€œCā€ or better is strongly recommended):
BIOL 111, 112
CHEM 101/111, 102/112, CHEM 227/237
MATH 131 or 142 or 147 or 151 or 171
Note: A minimum of two (2) of these courses must be taken in sequential semesters at TAMU (i.e., fall BIOL 111, spring BIOL 112 or spring CHEM 101/111, fall CHEM 102/112 or fall CHEM 227/237 spring BIOL 112)
No more than two (2) semesters of not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
USVM is not a gateway to the BIMS degree program. Students pursuing a USVM degree are not be eligible to change majors to BIMS
Advising Office is located in VIDI 123; Email:

@JaceyK Sweet! I saw the transfer sheet, but not this recent update which explains the exact courses they want in sequence. Thank you!! I actually just got off the phone with admissions advisor and she agreed that you can change to BIMS with change of major meetings, and it can be a smooth process from a PSA major (if your goals are to get to CSTAT as quickly as possible). Now, for the right PSA campusā€¦ so we can rule out OSU and TTU.

@Thelma2 "Internal change of majors will also get priority over outside transfers. Outside Transfer applicants will go through a competitive admissions process by the department. " - the dropdown menu on PSA doesnā€™t have my daighterā€™s major, if she chose a different major in PSA will she be considered ā€œinternal change of majorā€ when she finally get to college station?

was told by admissions counselor that as long as the OVERALL gpa was a 3.0 for the PSA 24 hours plus any D/C classes that they took were averaged in they would be accepted into TAMU the following year automatically

@2xAggieMom - my daughter just got the PSA offer and is now considering going to CC campus next year for a year so she is also interested in meeting other kids in the same situationā€¦

@libbyshims - Are you located in Austin by chance as my daughter is considering the PSA at CC as well and I called housing to inquire about the same as I was concerned about not having an on campus dorm experience and she assured me that there was housing available as it was still considered early in the process as I wanted to make sure she was living on campus in a dorm like environment for her first year as wellā€¦

@AggieGurl The gpa for the 24 (or how ever many taken) hours taken at the system school must be a 3.0 average. The gpa for those hours PLUS the DC/previous CC hours must also be a 3.0.

Looking for other PSA ā€¦West Texas A&M students for fallā€¦ I havenā€™t seen anyone on this site?? I hope we are making the right choice. We are in Lubbock so itā€™s a little closer to home than the others.

My daughter tried selecting cc today for her PSA school but aftrr hitting submit the page never acknowledged her submission. Anyone offer info as to what shows up on screen after you hit submit?
@AggieGurl my daughter is from Austin and wanting to get into CC so I did some research today and wasnt pleased with the info I found on housing. The reviews Iā€™m reading are really bad. If anyone knows otherwise, Iā€™d welcome to hear otherwise.

Is it possible to attend a system Texas A&M University outside of PSA and be able to transfer in in the spring semester?
I donā€™t have a lot of time to be able to get into BIMS at CSTAT.

Addition: Would it be considered an internal change of major?

@luckyaggie going to a system school outside psa contract is not an internal transfer. Itā€™s like going to UT Arlington and transferring to UT Austin. Itā€™s a completely different school. Would be just as likely to get in by going to Blinn or UofH or wherever. Itā€™s just a plain ole transfer.

@Agmom1 Are the bad housing reviews you researched about the lack of availability of dorm space or quality issues with the dorms currently there?

@Scotsfi no its mostly about pest control and management not responding to problems within rooms/units. I read a rating of 2.5 for both resident dorms/apartments.

@duriex We are looking at West Texas A&M! It looks ideal and the right vibe for 2 semesters. She was already headed to OSU or TTU, but weā€™ve reconsidered PSA and talked to admissions and BIMS today and got things straight. Weā€™re in SW Houston with a vacation rental in CStat!! So weā€™re across the state from you, but my daughter is getting excited about having a plan coming together. Perhaps we can PM each other here?

@bluebird94 yes! Not sure how to PM on hereā€¦ we are the only Duriex in usā€¦ lol if your on social media ā€¦can you find me thereā€¦?? We are still struggling with the whole ordealā€¦ it was a big let down. But if we can get a plan together Iā€™m hoping she will perk up!

@bluebird94 we are touring WTAMU on Tuesday, I will let you know how it looks. But Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a great fit for 2 semesters. Not a lot to do but I think thatā€™s a good thingā€¦