PSA - Program for System Admissions

@duriex Would be really interested to get your take on WTAMU. Our plan is visit TAMUCC on their Islander Day (April 6th) and also Tarleton after Spring Break… but conscious of time/dorm availability etc.
If anyone does a Tarleton visit over Spring Break plz could you share your thoughts/impressions …thx!

I know that Spring Break is a convenient time to visit since you’ve got the time and you want to make a move quickly. I would recommend making some decisions and then going back when the students are there, too. When my youngest son was visiting colleges, he was certain that he knew exactly where he wanted to go. Half way through, he turned to me and said “this is not it! I can’t see myself here.” The students give the campus its vibe.

I agree with you @2xAggieMom - A huge concern my husband and I had about UTD is its reputation as a commuter college. Considering it didn’t even have dorms until 10 years ago - it was a well earned reputation. But now thousands of students live on campus. Since about 2014 - the vibe on campus has apparently changed with the number of on campus residents. The percentage is about the same as UT or TAMU - but less than SFA type schools that require you live on campus for 1 or 2 years.

I was really worried about the campus tour I scheduled for Friday at 2pm. I figured everyone would be gone for the weekend and it would be a ghost town. We were pleasantly surprised by the hundreds of students still around in the student center and educational buildings at 4pm on a Friday.

It was very helpful to see all the students so my daughter could get a feel of what it would be like to go there.

That said - I applied to TTU’s graduate program - never visiting the campus. It was pre-internet days so I just had one brochure to look at. Once accepted - I decided to go, sight unseen. Did not visit, I just moved there on move in day. And it worked out fine too.

@AggieGurl - we are in Katy. My son inquired and yes, we were told plenty of the residential styles, but not many apartment styes. Also, just an FYI- Mirimar is the only option for PSA students according to the CC Housing site, as the contracts run school year to school year whereas Momentum runs calendar year.

Anyone else touring TAMU-CC on Monday? We are in the 9-10:30 spot then heading to an appointment with the PSA advisor, then hitting Mirimar since that is the only on campus housing option for PSA students.

Question for previous PSA students and parents. After your year at the other campus, did you move into a dorm at College station or do most kids get an apartment? My daughter is OOS and considering the PSA option and is concerned about being able to still meet people and get involved once she gets to College Station. Thank you for any input!

What is supposed to happen when you select the 3 schools and major? Nothing happens when my daughter tries.

Tarleton housing…I spoke to the res life department yesterday and was told that all incoming freshmen are placed in housing with students on similar degree paths. They are not allowed a choice of any kind; a housing coordinator places students.

TAMU continues to give me conflicting responses related to the process/status of sending my son’s application to Tarleton. I emailed the Tarleton PSA Admissions Coordinator and the PSA Advisor yesterday morning and did not receive a response from either. Both cause me great concern!

Honestly, I’m having second thoughts about putting my son on this path.

@Jasperlady one of the drawbacks of the PSA is that it’s probably not likely your student can live on campus once they get to A&M. The PSA students are not considered “officially” accepted until A&M sees their spring grades from the system school which is in May. A&M does not have enough housing for even all the freshman coming in and so there are waiting lists in place before our kids are even officially Aggie students.

@tisulli I would call housing at Tarleton again because that does not make any sense! They have Living Learning Communitees in which they group similar majored students ie, education or nursing. You opt into those- you are not assigned them without your asking to be. There is an honors dorm that students in the honors program live in but again- you sign up for that. There are several freshman dorms for the first year students to live in and you can decide that based on price and privacy desires. My son chose Legends because it has 2 sleeping areas divided by the bathroom. It it slightly more expensive but offers a little more privacy. My son also self-placed himself in the exact room he wanted by looking at a list of open rooms. I think who ever you spoke to about housing was confused- A LOT!

@tisulli I talked to my son and he said that he had heard that they were going to make changes to housing. He said he thought that it was more like not making 2nd year students live on campus. They may be changing room assignment procedures too. If so, I think that’s crazy!

@duriex I’ll find you on FB. I love that you’re touring the campus. Not sure if we can squeeze in a drive to Canyon during our break, but we will be in CStat doing some planning and anxious for your thoughts. :-h

@libbyshims We will be there Monday for the 1 PM tour but hope to get there earlier to meet a PSA advisor,

Anyone getting anything concrete after making selections and hitting Submit? Son selected 3 schools but it just takes him back to main AIS page - is this right? There is no confirmation that the selections were received? How odd…anyone get confirmation later?

Does anyone have a response to last question???

@JaceyK - look back through the admissions thread a couple of pages - I know I saw someone addressed this somewhere. I think it took a few days - and then they got an email and AIS changed.

Edited: I found it:

For what it’s worth, our kid selected Commerce and Tarleton for his PSA, picked his major (it’s offered via PSA, so no drama there, thank goodness for him!), and clicked “Submit.” A couple of days later, he received a “PSA Acknowledgement” email from Commerce. His AIS says “You’ve Accepted the Program for System Admission (PSA)!”

@bluebayouaz thank you-they really need to fix that so that us control freak parents are reassured that selections were received. But I guess PSA kids are lower priority. ?

@BlueBayouAZ , yep. That was me on the admissions thread. :slight_smile:

@JaceyK , if I were guessing why they do that, I would suspect it’s to give kids some time. If I hadn’t been sitting with my kid, he would have kept clicking !#$%^&^%$#Q@ buttons and moving forward without reading the !#WE$%^&^%$#W@ screens and then I would have asked, “So, what did it say? What have you committed to? WHAT DID YOU AGREE TO?!” and he would have answered, “I don’t know.” And shrugged. This kid. I love him. I also have a permanent twitch now. LOL

Thank you for this info. This forum is such a wealth of information and I so appreciate all the responses about the PSA program.

@JaceyK I have just checked with my son as to what happened when he selected from his PSA system schools offer on AIS. On 5th March he checked 4 schools, hit submit. There was no confirmation as such but his AIS then changed to “You’ve accepted the Prog for System admission”.
The 4 he checked were - Corpus; Commerce; Tarleton & WTAMU. To date he has received back ‘PSA Acknowledgment’ emails from Corpus & Commerce but nothing more detailed than that. Still waiting on similar acknowledgements from WTAMU & Tarleton…fingers crossed we get something start of this coming week.