PSAT: Discuss

<p>I'm assuming people will be getting their PSATs back in the next few days. I got an email from my advisor telling me my percentile, and my school is having "advisory sessions" tommorrow for them. </p>

<p>Now, my personal little question. My SSAT was a 99%, I'm a 10th grade male. My PSAT was pretty high...Higher than 97% of college bound Juniors. </p>

<p>Should I submit it along with my SSAT? My parents think that I should send it anyway, another test to be added to the books will help judge my academnic performance. What do you guys think? I'm sort of against it personally. </p>

<p>I don't know what I got in each section as of yet. I just know the percentage(emailed by my advisor because she was "proud")</p>

<p>sure you could send it in but i guess it wouldn’t add much since you already have a 99 on the ssat</p>

<p>I wouldn’t send it as a tool to increase my chance of admission. I just thought it would be good because it is just another method to judge my performance accurately.</p>

<p>So first you said your against it personally…and now you think it would be good. If you think it would be good then send it…won’t hurt. Seems superfluous to me…but I doubt anything anyone says here is going to change your opinion anyway.</p>

<p>I have my preconceived ideas. I am personally against it, but my parents made the convincing argument that sending my PSATs give even more information about me(Ensuring I can keep up with the work and that they have a good picture).</p>

<p>I’m personally against it, because I think I did better on the SSAT.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, though… About it being superluous.</p>

<p>No problem dude…good luck. But ya, I would ask the schools also…just for the hell of getting their opinion.</p>