PSAT Scores soon!

<p>I qualified by about 10 points over when I was a sophomore, I’m going to be ****ed if I don’t this year, hahaha.</p>

<p>Hi, quick question: </p>

<p>Are Internationals eligible for this whole NMSF and NMF thing?</p>

<p>I ask this because I thought they wouldn’t since its a national program as the title states and not an international one (after all the the test is a NMSQT and not IMSQT, similarly the title is NMF and not IMF), however on the link that was provided it states a cutoff for international students. Can anyone clear this up?</p>

<p>Oh Florida :). </p>

<p>I want to know what I gooottt D:</p>

<p>I got mine back!
I got a 196… but meh, I’m a sophomore with no SAT class and what not, so I’m happy. :]</p>

<p>^thats what i had as a sophmore.</p>

<p>227! Kicking myself for missing the math question about area of circle (did the UNshaded portion…■■■) but hey, that’s enough for national merit.</p>

<p>I got 215 even though I failed on math :stuck_out_tongue: I missed 3 reaaaaaally easy ones even though I’m in Calc AB hehe</p>

<p>^ They say that as you get into more advanced math, arithmetic gets much harder to do. Granted, Calc AB isn’t that advanced :P.</p>