PSEO with no 4.0

<p>I thought the title was catchy enough.</p>

<p>I have been going to a local community college for my senior year of high school this year, having taken 2 semesters with 12 credit hours each semester. I've also taken 2 other classes at this college, one last year for an information technologies class and another 7th grade year for my own interests.</p>

<p>I've received 2 B's and the rest have been A's in these classes, but this last semester I'm expecting 2 or 3 B's; can I blame senioritis?</p>

<p>I am going into Computer Science, and, though a long-shot, am hoping to someday work for Google afterward. They require a 3.5 GPA to work for them. And even if I don't work for them, I'm sure the GPA is looked at by other employers.</p>

<p>When I go off to Ohio State University next year, is there any way to A. not transfer any of my college credits from the CC or B. retake the classes to cancel out those B's?</p>

<p>The only reason I went with PSEO is because I chose to alienate myself from a high school I dislike.</p>

<p>I've researched this a few times but I can't find any really straightforward responses.</p>

<p>A. The OSU will decide which of your credits transfer, you have no say in the matter.</p>

<p>The question wasn’t whether the credits would transfer. Credits don’t hurt me. It’s the GPA that goes with it that bothers me.</p>

<p>I’m assuming that I’m able to retake the same classes at OSU and that will cancel out the ones at the CC, but I don’t know and can’t seem to find a straight answer on whether that’s possible or not.</p>

<p>Hell, I’m probably just stressing out over this. I would hope that any reputable corporation wouldn’t care about community college classes you took during high school versus if I were to get like a 4.0 at University.</p>



<p>No, that’s EXACTLY what you asked:</p>



<p>You may have WANTED to ask about gpa, but you didn’t. </p>

<p>My CR skills are just fine, thank you.</p>

<p>The receiving institution (in this case tOSU) gets to decide which courses transfer, and if so as what. You will have the opportunity to petition to have something transfer (and if so as a particular course) once you have arrived. Happykid is currently in that process right now at her own 4-year U. You also might have the option of asking that something not be transferred in order to re-take it, or in order to keep yourself under a certain credit count (for an institution that will push you out after you exceed a certain number of credits). Again that would be something to ask about after you have arrived on campus.</p>

<p>Your CC transcript is now a permanent part of your academic record. You will need to have an official copy sent when/if you apply to grad school or for a job where all of your transcripts are required. That’s just the way it is. So don’t lose the contact information. But do remember that any organization that dislikes you after college graduation because of a grade you earned when you were in high school (or even earlier) is an organization that you don’t want to be associated with.</p>