PSU Finance vs UMich Economics

<p>Which would be the better place to go if you want to go into IBanking, consulting, Asset Management, etc kind of jobs? I'm also looking to get an MBA at a good grad school, and was wondering if it really matters whether I went to PSU or UMich?</p>

<p>I'm currenntly in sapphire business program at the Smeal school of business (not in Honors college) and I got into UMich LSA. I was wondering if its better to major in Finance at PSU or Economics at UMich.</p>

<p>Does UMich have a undergraduate School of Business, or would Economics there be a liberal arts degree?</p>

<p>Yes they do have undergrad Business (Ross school of Business) but its incredibly difficult to get into. </p>

<p>Economics there would be a liberal arts degree.</p>

<p>Is there a reason you want to leave PSU in the first place?</p>

<p>Its not as if I hate this place. U Mich is more prestigious and has a strong liberal arts program though. </p>

<p>I'm OOS for both schools and didn't receive any financial is not a big issue for me but UMich is 10K more expensive.</p>

<p>I was just wondering if it is worth leaving PSU, with a good gpa, for a more prestigious school? I've heard that a lot of Econ majors at UMich can get great jobs in Finance related fields, but I haven't heard that many PSU Finance majors get top jobs (such as investment banking). </p>

<p>I came to PSU with the intent to major in accounting, but now I'm leaning more towards Finance. Obviously I'd like to go to Ross but I was wondering if their Econ degree is more valuable than a Finance degree at PSU.</p>

<p>sis knows a finance major at smeal with a 3.7 and is gonna be making 85 k in consulting next year, then again, Umich is a very good school. Go with what you find more interesting. WHy not double in econ/finance at Psu? I have a friend who at NYU did and got into invesment banking, then again stern is very good but just keep a good gpa. I'd stay at Psu since great alumni network and recruiting.</p>

<p>I have decided to transfer out of PSU, even though I have a 3.9 GPA because I'm obsessed with college prestige. I know I can't go wrong with PSU with that gpa, but I had always wanted to go to a school with an amazing reputation.</p>

<p>good for you in that case, GL</p>