PSYCH 119 vs MCB 165

<p>Has anyone taken both of these classes? Can you compare them in terms of difficulty since they are both Presti? I have heard MCB 165 is fairly straightforward and covers pretty much the same content as Psych 119, but 165 has a fancier title so I figure that might look better for med schools ;)</p>

<p>I LOVE THIS WEATHER <3333333333333333</p>


<p>Waitingforcollege are you a psychology major in berkeley? If so how is it?</p>

<p>no, i meant psych 119 (upper div version)</p>

<p>Pinoiko: yup i sure am. its great. No matter what specific area your interests in psych lay (cognition, development, neurobio, social/personality, business dev), there are great profs and classes to take. Just start the prereqs as soon as you can get a 3.2-you’re guaranteed this way before hitting 80 berkeley units.</p>

<p>anyone else???</p>

<p>Waitingforcollege- I am a transfer student applying to Berkeley, UCLA for psychology and UC Davis for human development.</p>

<p>My question to you is, when you do research in the psych program in Berkeley, do you do research in medical centers like UCSF or any other nearby hospitals in Oakland or in the East Bay? The reason why I am asking is because my interests in psych lie in neuropsychology and I plan to become a clinical neuropsychologist. Thanks!</p>

<p>Atlargewindow- does berkeley have an institute similar to the mind institute of uc davis or the semel institute of ucla?</p>



<p>no one’s taken mcb 165 or psych 119?? :(</p>

<p>please please please with a cherry on top. there’s not info on rmp for 165-if there were, i wouldnt ask…</p>

<p>i’m in 165 right now with presti. for an mcb class, it’s extremely easy and chill. </p>

<p>i found an old copy of his syllabus for you:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>THANKS Mech!</p>

<p>so it says biochem is a prereq (which I havent done) and 160 is recommended. but ive already studied all of the topics listed and don’t see where you would really need anything more than mcb 61 (let alone bio 1a)</p>

<p>i think you should be fine. presti even said in class that having taken the pre-reqs will help, but even if you haven’t “you will do just fine” (his words). i’d go for it. it’s an interesting and easy class.</p>

<p>alright-i’ll take your word for it. i just wish i’d taken it this semester itself…thanks :)</p>