Psych111, SOC100, and SOC102 Professors

<p>Which professors are the best for each of these classes? I'm trying to plan ahead for the winter semester and was wondering if anyone who's taken these classes could help me with this.</p>

<p>take psych 111 with schrier. her class is extremely easy to get an A, and she is kind of a pilf.</p>

<p>Haha thanks a lot for the tip. Anybody have any suggestions for the sociology classes?</p>

<p>Why not just peruse [url=<a href=“Rate My Professors”>][/url</a>]</p>

<p>Each of the sociology teachers seem to have mixed reviews, and some of them aren’t even up there, so I can’t tell which professors I should avoid.</p>

<p>Everybody is going to have a mixed review no matter where you look or who you ask. The trick is to look for less subjective key phrases that matter to you. Like, for example, “never answers emails” or “final is a take home.”</p>

<p>I’ll keep that in mind, TwistedxKiss. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>i’ve heard don’t take psych 111 with malley</p>

<p>other examples of objective, indisputable facts about professors: “schrier is kind of a pilf.”</p>