<p>Hi guys, do you think i can take my upper divs before i take psych 100a and 100b? I want to take theem the summer before 4th year while finishing with most of the other upper divs. Is this possible? All the teachers teaching it right now are horrible so i want to wait</p>
<p>100A and 100B are just research ****. Go ahead and take the UDs, I just signed up for some.</p>
<p>Wait, apparently, some UDs list 100A as a requisite, but it’s not enforced. Seriously, though, I didn’t think there WERE 100A profs that didn’t make you want to poop in their eyes.</p>
<p>from what i heard, marken is relatively painless…however mcauliffe oh god…RUN</p>
<p>Oh God. Yes, run.</p>
<p>Also, I went to take a shower and I suddenly realized, we need 100A and 100B to declare our Psychobio major. </p>
<p>So I’m kinda ********ed too. I didn’t plan to take 100B til 3rd year fall.</p>
<p>^…yea, you do need to take 100A and 100B preferably 2nd year. so far, 100B has been the hardest class i’ve taken here (beating any science class), as it really depends on how your lab mates are. </p>
<p>it’s fine if you wont take 100B till 3rd year fall. you can typically enroll in UD psych classes with your second pass. You’ll usually get in, though you may not get the discussion time you want. i believe this rule applies for 110, 115, 127, 135, and other ones. psychobio electives are generally not subject to this, and you can basically enroll in them come first pass. </p>
<p>marken has high averages for 100A. geiselman for 100B during summer is the easiest tests.</p>
<p>thanks for that link pink. i was 7 units away from being over the 150 limit. thank god im finishing physics 6c this quarter.</p>
<p>np np, baby doll.</p>
<p>****. now i’m in for another hour to rearrange my schedule to try to fit in psych 100B for the summer. </p>
<p>or should i just keep what i got now?</p>
<p>soo psych 100a/b is harder than, LS series/chem 14c, for example?</p>
<p>you try to invoke racial stereotyping via static sounds. if you do take 100b, getting your root topic on memory is the easiest to support/design/prove.</p>
<p>yep, 14c and LS series (LS4 was easiest) took less work than 100B. if you have a more chem/bio inclined mind, YMMV.</p>
<p>…I know what all these words mean… but I don’t know what all these words mean in this order … :/</p>
<p>in 100b, you are given a list of root topics to choose from. these topics will be the basis of the research paper that you’ll do in 100b. your research topic (which will be created by the group you work in as a whole) will have to be based on the root topic, but cannot mirror it. </p>
<p>for example, my root topic was on inducing racial stereotyping via static noise. that was done in the 1970s, and it showed that people subconsciously stereotype more while they are listening to the static noise because the noise distracts them from actively covering their stereotypes. so, my group’s research topic was on influencing people’s racial stereotypes by presenting positive or negative stories about black/latinos as a “distractor.” </p>
<p>that topic drove us crazy. there are topics on recall and memory which are much easier to base your experiment on. the thing is, you merely rank which root topics you’d like; the TA makes final assignments.</p>
<p>there are so many psych classes ive taken that had a 100a requisite (im not a psych related major), but which i still got into through ursa with no problems. You’ll be fine. Ive NEVER used any major stats in any of the psych classes ive taken.</p>