Hello all,
I been struggling for awhile in regards to which degree would be best for my career path.My ideal career would be working as a guidance counselor in the school system. Based on my research I would need to work as a school teacher for at least 2 years before applying for school counselor positions . After working for awhile I do plan to continue my studies to earn a Masters with either degree. I’m already close to my 60 credits from community college . Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated . TIA
If it was me I’d pick Psych. Psych has a better outlook according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with higher avg salaries, and it’s applicable to more fields in case you don’t get your #1 ideal job.
I’m a current Social Work major, pursuing a BSW with a minor in Sociology. It’s good you are aware you will have to pursue a Masters in order to obtain a School Counselor Certification (this is how it works in my state of Texas at least). The great thing about Social Work is that you’ll receive an education that is broad in the area of human services, which also covers many theories of human behavior. I’ve already taken my psychology courses, including my mandatory abnormal psychology course. In our courses we also cover theories in our social work courses relating to childhood and adolescence, such as Social Learning, Psychosocial Development, Moral Development, and countless others. Social work focuses on strengths perspective, PIE- a more ecological theory based approach. If that is something you’d be more interested in in working with your future clients, I’d suggest this route. A psychology program would of course be another great alternative and would provide a wonderful foundation before your graduation program. It all comes down to which approach suits you best. I say research the programs you are interested in most and see which appeals to you the most. Good luck! 
Thanks for all your information . I’m also in Texas and from from all my research both degrees average about the same. I’ve already wasted money and time working towards both . I have been going back and fourth on which path to take and I just can’t make a firm decision. The one thing that makes me a little leery is that you have to be accepted into the BSW program .
Well, if you have to have two years of teaching experience to become a school counselor in Texas, then you shouldn’t major in either of those fields. You should major in something that’s going to allow you to become certified as a teacher in Texas so you can get the teaching experience you need. Neither psychology nor social work are courses regularly offered in public K-12 schools.
In Texas any Bachelors degree except Health Science or Trades are eligible as long as the school is accredited . I still haven’t made my mind up which degree I want to pursue.
Here’s what the Texas Education Agency says.
Since you don’t have a degree, the easiest way for you to become a teacher is to complete an EPP. Most EPPs are going to be in elementary education or in core subjects for middle or high grades.
Also, any bachelor’s degree may technically make you eligible for certification, but what is going to actually get you hired as a teacher?
For undergrad you can do more with a BSW, for graduate I would suggest MSW unless you want to get a PhD or PsyD. If you want to go all the way and teach or do clinical work I say get into a psychology doctoral program. An MSW can do everything that psychology masters level clinicians can do and a whole lot more. Undergrad, I’m getting a psychology undergrad, but I’m getting an MSW after that. I think there are some pros to having a psychology undergrad so long as you get a masters. If you might call it quits after yor 4 year I say go with social work, get a BSW because it’s an entry level clinical type degree that prepares you to work whereas a psychology undergrad really is designed to prepare you for graduate school.