Public Relations (Redundant Question)

<p>I know you guys probably get this question a lot in these parts and I apologize...</p>

<p>But I wanted to do pursue a field in Public Relations just like the title suggest. My generalized map is basically Public Relations ---> Climb my way up to become a Management of a Public Relations Team ----> Have my own Public Relations firm.</p>

<p>I'm currently enrolled in a CUNY college, but I plan on transferring to either CCNY or Lehman college.</p>

<p>Here's when the confusion comes in.</p>

<p>Many people state that Mass Communications is a more generalized major that can do PR, this major is offered at Lehman College. Unfortunately, from what it seems, the major at Lehman does not have any specializations/electives catered to PR that I'm aware of.</p>

<p>Should I just take the bat and transfer to CCNY and major in there Public Relations/Advertisement program?</p>

<p>The school that I am going to transfer to doesn’t have a major in PR either, but it does have a communications major with an “emphasis” on PR. See if your school has an emphasis on PR.</p>