Public Relations!

<p>What exactly would you do for a living if you went into public relations?
I mean, I get the jist of it, but can someone tell me exactly what you do, what classes you take in college, and what the money is like once you get a job?</p>

<p>ALSO, what are some good schools in the northeast for PR?</p>

<p>Hi, I’m currently a Newhouse student (TV/Radio/Film) in Syracuse University. I’m aware I’m a bit biased towards Newhouse but Newhouse truly does have a great PR program. Other schools that have decent PR programs in the northeast are Boston U., NYU (media, culture, and communication major possibly), UNC Chapel Hill, and maybe Fordham and the New School/Eugene Lang. I know this one isn’t in the northeast but USC Annenberg is quite good.
The curriculum obviously varies by college. But, I can say for Newhouse, all Newhouse students are required to take up a minor. The Newhouse classes are quite difficult, but not impossible. All the Newhouse professors I’ve had truly do care for each and every student and want their students to succeed. Outside of Newhouse, I honestly have to say the classes are not as challenging.<br>
Like most communciations careers, PR is one of those jobs where you have to work your way up the ladder. I have heard the pay for communications careers in general is not that great. But, with time and experience, the pay will undoubtedly increase. If PR is something you really want to do, go for it!</p>

<p>yeah, Newhouse and Annenberg are excellent communication/PR schools. I’ve “auditioned” for various PR internships/jobs and the audition exams typically consist of a press release, financial statement analysis (not quantitative, though it could be if you’re a PR person for a financial firm), and very simple character/background analysis of firms. Also, there’s the whole firm-to-firm and firm-to-client communication… PR people have the least quantitative jobs in a business, and HR people have the second-least quantitative jobs… Though, I would say HR pays wayyyyy more than PR</p>