Puhhhhlease chance me, and you'll get into the college of your choice :)

<p>Please chance me for UCSD, UCB, UCLA, UCD, and UCI. </p>

<p>Female, in state from a very prestigious high school in Northern California
Class of '09
US History: 730
Math II: 710
Biology : 710
Act: 31
SAT: 2060 (trying to pull it up to above 2100)
UC GPA: 3.77 (upward trend)
-8 years piano
-3 years Guitar
-2 years tennis on school team, but i’ve been playing at a club level since I was 5 and I’ll be doing track my senior year of HS.
-Volunteered at Temple for several years

  • Youth Coordinator at temple
  • Research at a medical lab
  • Book Club Vice President
  • Had some of my writing published in a literary magazine
  • Publicist for Enviornmental Club
  • Secretary for the Young Bohemians (writing club)
  • Key Club
  • STAND! (A club helping those affected by the genocide occuring in Darfur)
    -Volunteered at a local hopsice and for the American Red Cross & Cancer Society
    -Cultural dance for 6 years
  • Science Alliance for 3 years (I helped 5th graders from local schools on their science fair project)
  • I’ve also tutored underpriviledged elementary/middle school children with their homework through a library program.</p>

<p>I’ve also taken a rigorous course load. Junior year I took 4 weighted classes, (2 AP’s and 2 honors), Soph I took 1 honors class, and senior year I’m taking 2. </p>

<p>Thanks for your comments!</p>

<p>Probably not so good for LA/Berkeley.
Good for everything else.</p>

<p>Pft Rigorous, I'm doing 4 APs atm as a Junior.
But I don't have Extracurriculars as amazing as yours</p>

<p>Reach for UCLA and Berkeley.</p>

<p>Depends on your intended study of major, though. For example, if you're doing BioE at SD, I wouldn't be surprised if you were rejected.</p>

<p>thanks for the replies! i was thinking about doing physiology at SD...would that impact the admissions decision?</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA - reach
UCSD - slight reach
UCD/UCI - match</p>

<p>There's a list of impacted majors on UCSD's website, but it's about to change. If you're majoring in "Physiology & Neuroscience" it's about to be impacted.</p>