Purdue admissions?

<p>I am an active member of National Honor Society. I have a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and I got a 1640 on my SATs ( not the best but not the worst either). Why did I not get accepted? I take AP classes and I am involved in numerous activities, clubs and sports. My friend got in and she isn't in half of the things I am. She also has a 3.5 but she got a 1580 on her SATs. Why did she get accepted and not me? I recently appealed the deny decision, what are my chances of getting accepted a second time around? I sent in a recommendation letter this time also.</p>

<p>Did you both apply to the same program? Purdue accepts by program and each program has different standards. Also, Purdue cares a lot about the essay, so she could’ve written an excellent one.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar boat. I was admitted, but not into engineering. My GPA was only 3.5(low for engineering) but I got 1910 on SAT and 28 (with 33 on math) on ACT. I will have taken 10 AP classes by the end of this year. I appealed on Monday. I wonder when we will get the decision. I heard only like 1/3 of ppl who were pending got accepted.</p>