Purdue Class of 2015 Fall Decisions

<p>Accepted to Health and Human Sciences as a Dietetics major. Anyone else?</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted
College of Agriculture: Agribusiness </p>

SAT: 2060
SAT2: Math 1- 700 Bio M-720
GPA: 2.9 UW
Rank: Unranked
Others: 6 AP, all Honors</p>

Essays: Mediocre, generic, cliche
Teacher recs: None
Counselor rec: Satisfactory
Hook: Insane (trololo) music talents</p>

State: PA
School: Private Prep School (ridiculously competitive)
Ethnicity: AZN (yes I know I have very unimpressive very AZN stats)
Gender: Male</p>

<p>General Comments: Mediocre in everything… I thought I wouldn’t get accepted because I spent virtually no time on the apps. 40 mins TOPS essay+data. Well I guess I’m happy since I got in. Waiting for other schools.</p>

<p>Other factors: With affirmative action and other stuff going against me, I think my parents being able to pay for the full tuition weighs a huge factor in my dull and mediocre application. Thank God I come from a well to do family.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted : First Year Engineering</p>

ACT: 32 (35M 28R 34S 33E)
GPA: 3.6 UW, 4.2W
Rank: 37/750
Other stats: Junior/Senior year were mostly AP classes</p>

Essays: I think OK.
Counselor Rec: who knows - can anyone see them?
Hook (if any): Upward grade trend, increasing course rigor</p>

State or Country: Illinois
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male</p>

<p>EC’s:Speech team 4yrs and captain. Math team 4yrs - made it to State 3 yrs in a row. Varsity Tennis -4yrs
Volunteer was OK. No time or couldn’t find a job to mesh with the EC’s.</p>

<p>[ size=+1][ b][ color=green]Decision: Accepted College of Engineering[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ list][ b]Stats: [ /b]
[ *] SAT:1900
[ *] ACT:31
[ *] GPA:3.91
[ *] Rank:41/554
[ *] Other stats: AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>[ /list][ list][ b]Subjective: [ /b]
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recs:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Hook (if any): </p>

<p>[ /list][ list][ b]Location/Person: [ /b]
[ *] State or Country: Minnesota
[ *] School Type:Public
[ *] Ethnicity:White
[ *] Gender: Male</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Other Factors: [ /b]
[ b]General Comments: [ /b]</p>

<p>accepted: engineering
m800 cr720 wr670</p>

M1 760
M2 800</p>


<p>**Decision: Accepted - School of Management **</p>

<p>[/list][ul]**Stats: **
[<em>] SAT: 470CR 680M 650W
[</em>] SAT IIs: MATH2 680<br>
[<em>] GPA: UW 3.3/4.0
[</em>] Other stats: 3 APs 3 honors</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: Great
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Great
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Great
[</em>] Hook (if any): first generation college, immigrant…</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: CA
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Chinese
[</em>] Gender: Female</p>

<p>[/ul]**Other Factors: **
**General Comments: **</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted - Retail Management</p>

<li>ACT: 28</li>
<li>SAT IIs: 640 Lit, 770 Chinese</li>
<li>GPA: 4.0 w</li>
<li>Rank: n/a</li>
<li>Other stats: </li>
<li>Teacher Recs: one from volunteer manager</li>
<li>Counselor Rec: no</li>
<li>State or Country: CA</li>
<li>School Type: Public</li>
<li>Ethnicity: Asian</li>
<li>Gender: Female</li>

<p>** Pending/Additional Information **</p>

<p>[ul][ b]Stats: [ /b]
[<em>] ACT: 33
[</em>] SAT IIs: Math 750 Physics 690 USH 690
[<em>] GPA: 3.58/4.5
[</em>] Rank: 96/469
[li] Other stats: national ap scholar, presidential volunteer service award</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: good i think
[</em>] Teacher Recs: didnt ask for any, so i didnt submit
[<em>] Counselor Rec: good
[</em>] Hook (if any): none</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: North Carolina
[</em>] School Type: Public School
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>] Gender: Male</p>

<p>[/ul]**Other Factors: **
**General Comments: ** I am so confused. Its asking for my 7th semester transcript. does this mean I got deferred?</p>

<p>My daughter also</p>


<p>[ul]**Stats: **
[<em>] SAT: 690 Math, 720 Reading, 700 Writing
[</em>] SAT IIs: Bio M 750, Chem 720
[<em>] GPA: 3.5 UW, 4.2 W
[</em>] Rank: Does not rank
[li] Other stats: EC including being captain of my HS’s FIRST Robotics team, XO in marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra, and JSA.</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: Great essay
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Good… I think
[<em>] Counselor Rec: See above
[</em>] Hook (if any): FIRST Robotics, band… because music+engineering=AWESOME</p>

<p>[/ul][list]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: New Jersey
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Male</p>

<p>im a little late to the party but </p>

<p>**Decision: Accepted, First Year Engineering **</p>

<p>[ul]**Stats: **
[<em>] ACT: 29
[</em>] GPA: 3.2 UW 3.9 W
[<em>] Rank: 96 of 987
[</em>] Other stats: in Choir/ Newspaper Editor</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: good. like 9/10
[</em>] Teacher Recs: didnt send any
[<em>] Counselor Rec: didnt send any
[</em>] Hook (if any): </p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: Illinois
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White/Asian (25% if that counts)
[</em>] Gender: Male</p>

<p>[/ul]**Other Factors: **
**General Comments: Add me on Facebook, im possibly looking for a roomate, i also joined the 2015 group. name is Kyle Fesmire **</p>

<p>Decision: School of Management</p>

<p>[ul]**Stats: **
[<em>] SAT: 1730 540CR 630M 560W
[</em>] SAT IIs: Math II - 640
[<em>] GPA: 3.34/4
[</em>] Rank: 33/120
[li] Other stats: 4s on AP Statistics and World History; Currently taking: AP Macro, Micro, Chem, and Calc</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: Pretty amazing
[</em>] Teacher Recs: did not see
[<em>] Counselor Rec: did not see
[</em>] Hook (if any): no clue :p</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: Middle East
[</em>] School Type: Private
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>] Gender: Male</p>

<p>[/ul]**Other Factors: ** A load of ECs - too lazy to list all of em
**General Comments: ** Im most likely not coming here since i got into UMich :stuck_out_tongue: Anyways, congrats guys!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>College and Program: College of Engineering</p>


<pre><code>* SAT I (by section): na

  • SAT IIs: 780 Math 2, 780 Chem, 800 US History
  • ACT: 35
  • APs: Calc BC-5, APUSH-4, macro-5, micro-4; taking AP Bio, Latin, Eng Lit & Comp, AP Euro this year
  • IBs: none
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0 UW, 4.6 W
  • Rank: 1 of 140
  • Other stats: National Merit Semifinalist


<pre><code>* ECs listed on app: Varsity Tennis (competed in state’s), student council president

  • Job/Work Experience: Tennis club instructor, parking attendant at music venue
  • Community Service: lots, hospital, camp counselor in inner-city, several missions trips abroad
  • Essays (subject and responses): Good, but nothing spectacular
  • Teacher Recs: Didn’t see, but hopefully good
  • Counselor Rec: Good
  • Hook (if any): none


<pre><code>* State or Country: Ohio

  • School Type: Private Christian
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: M

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I just received notification I received $16,000 trustees scholarship, renewable each year. I’m deciding between Purdue, UM and UICU - unless, of course, I get into MIT regular decision!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted to School of Engineering</p>

Unweighted GPA: 4.00
Weighted GPA: 4.59
Class Rank: 1/766 (our high school is fairly new, and it’s not really an academic oriented school. It’s more focused on sports, so i hope this doesnt hinder my chances)</p>

<p>ACT :
30 - first time
31- second time
32 - third time (essay was 10)</p>

Math 2: 750
US history: 750
Chemistry: 740
Chinese: 790</p>

<p>Ap tests total of 11 including this year
ones that i will take this year:

  • Cal Bc
  • Lit
  • Gov
  • Physic C
  • Bio</p>

<p>Ones that took:

  • Cal Ab 5
  • Chem 5
  • World history 5
  • psychology 4
  • lang 4
  • Us history 4</p>


  • Founder and president of the Science Club
  • pre med club member
  • interact club member (co founder, it was hard to be active in the club when i had to juggle bunch of stuff)
  • debate club
  • invisible children
  • american cancer society
  • CSF life time member</p>


  • Jv track A team
  • Varsity wrestling
  • Varsity volleyball</p>

<p>Community Service

  • 250+ hours total
  • volunteer at local library (helped establish the AR book ssytem)
  • tae kwon do instructor
  • worked as a office assistance for a local company
  • math and science tutor</p>

<p>Awards- standard if not weak (school is new, so there wasnt any like science Olympia and stuff)

  • Honor with Disctinction
  • AP scholar with distinction
  • athletic scholar
  • principal scholarship nomineee</p>

<p>Work experience

  • worked at a professional laboratory since 10th grade. PAID
  • conduct tests such as Epiderm, DNA extraction, HPLC, TLC, Acid and Base, Enzymes, Particle Size, and researches like Anthocyanin analysis in fruit product.
  • basically any test that you can think of and the lab is doing, i probably did it once.
  • familiar with all basic chem labs, and biotechnology labs</p>

Believe it or not, writing essay is my strength despite ****ty sat writing scores.

  • i put alot of time into it, and it really shows my personality.</p>

<p>Letter of Rec

  • 1 from principal
  • 1 from my chem teacher (really close, and guarantee a great letter)
  • 1 from my ap lang teacher (also really close)
  • 1 from my lab director (she is more like a aunt than a boss, really caring and it will be a great letter)</p>

<p>Decision: Offer Admission - Alt Choice- Undergraduate Studies Program</p>

<p>[ul]**Stats: **
[<em>] SAT:1610. 580-math, 510-reading
[</em>] SAT IIs:
[<em>] GPA:3.5
[</em>] Rank: school does not offer
[li] Other stats:</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: Pretty Awesome
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Did not have any
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Did not have any
[</em>] Hook (if any):nope</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: Ohio
[</em>] School Type: Charter
[<em>] Ethnicity: African American
[</em>] Gender: Male</p>

<p>[/ul]**Other Factors: **
**General Comments: ** I applied for FYE but the applicant pool was too competitive and I could not beat out some of the better students. I plan on CODO’ing into engineering after a great 1st semester, which I hope works out. Wish me luck guys.</p>

<p>**Decision: Accepted- First Year Engineering (FYE), Attending **</p>

<p>[ul]**Stats: **
[<em>] SAT: 1910 (560 R, 700 M, 650 W)
[</em>] ACT: 29 (29 E, 33 M, 26 R, 28 S)
[<em>] SAT IIs: 630 Math II, 550 Physics (That one was so bad. Terrible day.)
[</em>] GPA: 3.5
[<em>] Rank: We don’t rank.
[</em>] Other stats: 4 years of track, 4 years of cross-country, webmaster for our online school magazine, art portfolio (not that they looked at it.), church youth group senior leader</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Subjective: **
[<em>] Essays: Top notch, the essay was pretty easy for me to write
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Solid 9/10
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Probably great, everyone seemed to really want me to go
[</em>] Hook (if any): ?</p>

<p>[/ul][ul]**Location/Person: **
[<em>] State or Country: Ohio
[</em>] School Type: All-girls Private
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Female</p>

<p>[/ul]Other Factors: I went to the Women in Engineering Day for seniors
General Comments: SO excited for this. Boiler up!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted Engineering</p>

<pre><code>* Stats:

  • SAT: none

  • SAT IIs: none

  • GPA: 3.6

  • Rank: 7/85

  • Other stats: none

  • Subjective:

  • Essays: Perfect

  • Teacher Recs: really good

  • Counselor Rec: Superb

  • Hook (if any): none

  • Location/Person:

  • State or Country: Greece

  • School Type: Private

  • Ethnicity: Greek

  • Gender: Male

<p>Other Factors: robotics project in school, private airplane license lessons with 40 flight hours
General Comments: Its Purdue or Penn State and I am in a great dilemma.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted [College of Science]
Major: Computer Science</p>


<p>520 Math
560 CR
680 Writing</p>

<p>School doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White</p>

<p>3.44/4.0 Unweighted GPA
3.72/4.0 Weighted GPA</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>College and Program: Engineering</p>


<pre><code>* SAT I (by section): 670 CR, 780 M, 680 WR

  • SAT IIs: 800 Math 2, 800 Physics
  • APs: None
  • IBs: None
  • GPA (UW, W): 92/100
  • Rank: 1/43


<pre><code>* ECs listed on app: Airplanes flying, R/C planes building, aerodynamic researching and other stuff related to aviation.

  • Job/Work Experience: Math/physics tutor and T-shirts customizer.
  • Essays (subject and responses): Wrote about my family and my passion for Aerospace Engineering.
  • Teacher Recs:
  • Counselor Rec: Good
  • Applied on (EA?): Nah
  • Hook (if any):


<pre><code>* State or Country: Brazil

  • School Type: Private
  • Ethnicity: White [Portuguese]
  • Gender: Male

<p>Decision: Accepted
College of Liberal Arts
major: Psychology</p>


<li>SAT I : 1480/2400</li>
<li>SAT IIs: 630 World History, 660 Biology(M), 770 Italian</li>
<li>APs: currently taking AP Psych, AP World Hist and AP Bio</li>
<li>IBs: None</li>
<li>GPA: GPA 3.01 UW</li>
<li>Rank: class rank is not used in my HS</li>


<li>ECs listed on app: IT Club (president), Yearbook team, Debate team, senior project managers, prom commitee</li>
<li>Job/Work Experience: none</li>
<li>Essays: pretty good</li>
<li>Teacher Recs: Good</li>
<li>Counselor Rec: Good</li>
<li>Applied on (EA?): No</li>
<li>Hook (if any): </li>


<li>State or Country: Italy</li>
<li>School Type: private International school</li>
<li>Ethnicity: White(Italian) ,but I’m an American citizen because I was born in US :)</li>
<li>Gender: Female<br></li>

I was in shocked for almost a week after I received my admission decision, OMG! :D</p>