Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@cxzbnm My Stats:

GPA: 3.75
ACT: 34 C, 35 M, 33 S, 33 E, 32 R
App Submitted on Oct. 30, Complete on Oct. 31
Krannert School- Economics

@jessegoesrawr congrats! hopefully we find out by 5 about FYE!!

My stats:
GPA: 4.93/4.0 W & 3.8/4 UW
ACT: 34 C, 35 M, 36 S, 34 R, 30 E & 26 Writing
Intended Major: Aerospace Engineer
OOS - Pennsylvania

I got in today
App completed 10/23/16
GPA: 4.06/5 W & 3.5/4 UW
ACT: 34 35M, 35S, 34R, 33W & 8 essay
Intended Major: Computer Engineering (it doesn’t say the major and idk where to find it)
OOS - New Jersey

Nothing yet. I submitted on October 31st, so I guess it’ll be another week


I’m losing it! Ahhhhh please tell us something!
Keep the positive vibes going peeps -who else got in today?
Details…pass them along! =P~

DS just got accepted!
App completed 11/01/16
GPA: 3.97/5 W
ACT: 34
Intended Major: Computer Science

Where does it confirm the major? We couldn’t find this info. Anyone?


Yes it updated! FYE!!!

@jessegoesrawr yay! congrats! I just looked too and i got accpeted into FYE as well!!

@Seacoast stay positive as we are in CA. No status change is not a NO. 11/1 submitted 11/3 complete and still waiting.

Are all decisions for today sent out by now? Completed on 11/1 and still haven’t heard :frowning:
Applied for FYE

Yeah I know and thanks @Banker1. Really thought I was in this next batch. Submitted 10/23 the last batch of acceptances cut off was 10/21 so I figured…guess my math is off.
I also think that it’s so close to the 11/1 deadline I am sure they got flooded. I will wait like everyone else…sure would be nice to know! Thanks! 8-| @-)

I got into FYE they updated it like 10 minutes after

10 minutes after what? :!!

After I got accepted

That makes no sense…you mean you got an email and then they updated the website?
For those of us who haven’t seen a change on the site your comments are very confusing…

No the website said that I got in. Then in ten minutes the website updated and had a letter saying that I got FYE. I still have not received the email.

@Seacoast He means that the first page says you are admitted. There’s a big button at the end ‘View your Decision’ which was initially blank, but then it got updated with the official letter including the major.

Has anyone been accepted into Purdue in general who also applied to the Honors College?