Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@durna01 thanks! I was wondering what was going on! Thanks…I feel like I’m sitting in the dark and everyone around me has a flashlight…this is so tense! :-&

Rejected COE.
White female
Checklist complete: 11/02
1520 SAT: 750 English 770 math
GPA: 3.5/UW (school does not weight)
I had good extra curriculars (gold award, co-president of local youth board among other things)
My gpa spiked last year after I got diagnosed with ADHD. I had a 3.95. The overall is bogged down by the grades I got before.
I’m going to guess my gpa was non-reconcilable even with the sustained increase in performance. Either that or my recommender said something horrible about me. I’m not sure what to think. Purdue was my first choice, I thought their engineering program was the best of all the colleges I looked at, and I know we tend to question the credentials of people with ADHD on this site, so this might not be easy to understand, but their approach to disability is the best, hands down, that I’ve seen at any college.

Yeah, I dunno. I’m sort of worried I won’t get in anywhere now. I feel like this indicates that: 1) schools aren’t willing to look past pre-diagnoses grades
2) my SAT scores aren’t good enough to make use for my gpa.

(I might seem like I’m rambling, but this info might be helpful to next year’s applicants who have a situation like mine. Trust me, you’re hard pressed to find anything about how schools approach grade increases after a late diagnosis)

Submitted Date: 10/22
Application checklist completed Date: 10/23
Major in: Computer Science
GPA (uw, w): 3.81 / 4.22
SAT: 2120 (770M, 640R, 710W)
State (IN, oos, int’l): OOS- CA

Just got accepted today!

Let me start by saying any school would be lucky to have you.
Your SAT and GPA are outstanding.

Did you meet all of the requirements of Purdue? They have some tricky things that many hs do not meet like :

Math—eight semesters
English—eight semesters
Lab science—six semesters (for engineering, nursing, pharmacy and veterinary technology, two semesters must be chemistry; nursing also requires two semesters of biology)
Social studies—six semesters
Foreign language—four semesters

If you are missing one of these elements your application will not be reviewed and you’ll be turned down. If you did I would honestly call admissions on Monday and ask to speak to someone, it might make you feel better cause honestly you don’t know me from a stranger.

That being said you have a great resume, you will get in somewhere.
Where else are you considering? You aren’t rambling! I honestly think it has nothing to do with ADHD.

There are other excellent Engineering programs out there! It’s what you do with your major not where you go…don’t let anyone tell you different! Yes Purdue is awesome but so are you so don’t let this little bump on your path bring you down.
Got me.
Good now chin up, carry on and move on to a better life! :)>-

I actually exceeded most of the requirements.
I had 8 semesters of math (geometry, algebra 2, pre-calc, and calc-bc), and AP computer science, which is usually considered math. I had a C+, then a B- in algebra 2, but I got an A in pre calc, and self taught calc and skipped to BC.

I have eight semesters of science: biology, physics, and AP phyiscs, in addition to Chem, which may have been what killed me. I got a C, then a C+. I got an A in phyiscs, and I have one right now in AP. My school doesn’t do honors math/science classes, but all classes are taught to the level of one.

And I had six semesters of French.

Can calling a school actually help?

I really thought I had a good shot with Purdue, but I did consider it to be a reach. I’ve applied to CU Boulder, Worcester polytechnic, UW (in state), CSU, Cal Poly SLO, and I’m about to submit apps to RPI, MIT and Harvey Mudd (which are obviously dream schools, but if you ignore the first part of high school, I’m in their ranges, and my interviews have all done well).

I’m trying to find some more schools now, because I honestly have no idea how many school will perceive my application.
I do think I’ll have better chances from here on out, because I’m able to explain the ADHD thing better now than when I submitted my application to Purdue, because my diagnoses was made initially in 1st grade, and revoked in Texas. Recently their department of education got in trouble because they did stuff like that to lost of kids. I was just part of a massive cull on special Ed. This wasn’t out yet when I submitted, so I had to explain that I was diagnosed before, but had never known, without that crucial bit of information that actually makes the story seem credible.

Iowa State.

Easy admission. A hidden engineering gem!


Submitted Date: 10/17
Application checklist completed Date: 10/18
Major in: FYE
GPA (uw, w): 4.00, 4.30
SAT/ACT Scores: 2320 (720 CR, 800 M, 800 W)
State (IN, oos, int’l): OOS (California)

Congrats to everyone else who got accepted and good luck to those who are still waiting!

Submitted Date: 10/31
Application checklist completed Date: 11/01
Major in: Computer Science (College of Science)
GPA (uw, w): 3.64, 4.03
SAT/ACT Scores: 1490 (Math 740, Reading/Writing 750), 35 composite
State (IN, oos, int’l): OOS

GPA clearly wasn’t the best, but other things like subject tests (800 Math II) and strong leadership probably helped out.

Congrats/good luck everyone!

Accepted Comp Sci

3.8 UW, 2340 SAT, 790 Math 2, 10APs

Leadership, research, volunteering, and 2 internships

Not my first choice but when will we find out about honora college and maybe pres scholarship

Accepted for comp sci!

Submitted: 10/30
All materials received: 11/1
Major: Computer Science (College of Science)
GPA (uw/w): 3.95/4.12
ACT: 34 composite
State: OOS

Accepted Neurobiology! 3.85 UW, 35 ACT. Not my first choice, but my first acceptance so I am pretty happy!

Just got accepted for Computer Science!

Submitted: 10/29
All materials received: 11/03
Major: Computer Science (College of Science)
GPA (uw/w): 3.72/4.0
SAT OLD: 2010 (680CR/700M/630W)
SAT NEW: 1370 (700CR/670M)
State: OOS (Texas)

I’m honestly super pumped right now!

@account1298582 - don’t get too down. Rejections are hard. But you sound like a great kid who will do fine in whatever school you end up in. And despite what it seems like from people that post on CC - your stats are excellent.

It sounds like you’re a little bit afraid you won’t get into any of the schools you applied to. I think you’re worrying over nothing. But if you’re looking for more schools to apply to that might be easier for you to get into, I’d recommend:
Indiana University / Bloomington (big school like Purdue)
Illinois Institute of Technology (small school like WPI)

Good luck!

My D was accepted today
Submitted 11/1
App completed 11/1
Major: PreMed - Neuroscience
3.75 W - ACT 30

Was just shocked today when I saw that I received the decision that I was not admitted to Purdue for my intended major: Mechanical Engineering. Seemed quite odd to me because i heard a lot of people with lower stats being accepted, so would appreciate any thoughts on this.

Purdue offered me an option to apply for an alternate major.

SAT: 1410 (780 math, 630 Verbal)
GPA: 3.75 Unweighted
10 AP Classes
Ranked in class at top 20%

I’d suggest applying for the alternate major. Purdue Polytechnic Institute could be interesting and I think it isn’t too tough to transfer over to engineering. And they have special scholarships just for that Institute.

I’m really sorry you weren’t admitted. There’s really no logic to all of this.

@Phoenix16 when did you apply?
Maybe you applied too late and they had already filled their spots for Mechanical?
If I had to hazard a guess at why/how admissions decides anything, that would be it haha

Thats what I was thinking as well. I heard many with lower GPAs/scores being admitted, but I submitted my application on 10/31. So it was the day before the deadline.

@c011e9e does Purdue admit to FYE based on intended engineering major?

Just got accepted to computer science!

GPA: 3.93 UW / 4.27 W
ACT: 34
State: CA