Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

I was wondering if anyone could help me with when I will get a decision. I applied for FYE and was denied/alternate major. I resubmitted 12/12 but still haven’t heard anything, and I reapplied as exploratory studies. Would I definately hear back on a Friday and how long has it been taking people with alternate major to hear back? Thanks

I got in for Exploratory Studies. But before committing, I want to make sure I can transfer to the college of engineering and study mechanical engineering. Help me out

@educationfan Yes, many people have received notifications. I believe they started in mid-December

@ballin3210 what are your SAT and grades?

What time on Fridays are decisions typically released?

Seems to be after 5pm

Decision: Accepted for alternate major (exploratory studies)
Didn’t get into FYE on 27th Jan. Filled out the alternate major form on 2nd Feb. And on 6th Feb, Boiler Up!
I didn’t realize they give a decision for your alternate major so soon xD

Being international took waitlist option for chem engg .got mail to submit preboards transcripts(indian )will there be any positive thing happening.any idea please?

exploratory at Purdue or Texas A&M at galveston first year engineering or Ohio state university mechanical engineering. What would be the best option. I want to pursue Mechanical engineering only. I am an international student.

Does anyone know how we can change the address on the application? We are moving in a couple of days and want to make sure we don’t miss out on any communication. Appreciate any help.

@Mech123 if i was in your situation i would definitely choose OSU. Just my opinion of course.

S was accepted to both Purdue and OSU for FYE. Both are good options for him.

@Mech123 to add a bit more

Purdue, TAMU and OSU are all great schools. You’ll be happy with your choice at any. But here’s why i gave my opinion above…

Purdue - it’s like there’s room for say 100 people in the program (i made up that number of course, lol). You are number 105. You can get in if there’s room for you and you do exceptionally well, but don’t forget there’s others already in front of you. Sure, some will drop out, but you are taking somewhat of a chance.

TAMU - I’ll admit I’m not 100% familiar with how the Galveston program works, but i believe you do your first two years at Galveston, then move to College Station. You can correct me if I’m wrong. My only problem with that is it’s tough to change environments. You get familiar in one situation, then you change to another. Different profs, buildings, labs, procedures. To me it’s a tough switch to make.

OSU - you’re already there in the program you want at a great school.

This is all my opinion. Others can add their personal experience to help you more.

I’ve been accepted to both Purdue and NC State and I live in NC (so instate tuiton for NCSU) for FYE. Is Purdue worth forking over 20k more?

@mah What are your stats? Also, did you submit predicted grades for 12th?

Hey! I got accepted in Purdue Polytechnic for CNIT. I was so satisfied with this today I got offers from Penn State and Stony Brook (both for CS) and now I’m in a dilemma. Should I go for Purdue, despite the fact that it is CNIT or choose from the other two? Any help would be appreciated!
( I am not pretty sure about CNIT because it is at the Polytechnic Institute, but the coursework looks just fine to me. A few people, I’ve talked to, seem to be satisfied with what they got from Polytechnic. While some said that CNIT is less paid, some condemned this and said that both CS and CNIT get equally get good pay after graduation. Please throw some light on this matter too!).

@CollegeConcerned842 the degrees you get from Perdue polytechnic are more technical, you’ll likely face fewer options for upward mobility. I’d go with one of the other two, and transfer to Purdue later if you want to go there

@TreeLights Is it very hard to transfer major in Purdue?

@bling0202 I’m not sure about computer science, but for engineering it sounded pretty iffy. For any major, you’re supposed to do exploratory studies to transfer, and then it’s dependent on space.

I put myself on the wait list, but I’m probably going to another school. In the end, do you want to go to Purdue, or do you want to learn about computer science? I’d go to another school and try to transfer as a junior if I really cared to be at Purdue that much.

@wowappgood. S submitted preboards.indian 10 gpa grade 9 and grade 10 grade 11 95% sat 1380 sat 2 maths 750 physics 780 chemistry 780 good ecs

Date applied : 11/28/16
Date of Checklist Completion : 12/1/16
Date of Decision : Mid Year Request 1/20/17 and Final Decision: 2/24/17

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): 1150/1600
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.1475 W
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis): N/A
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: Honors Acting (Counts as two electives and gym), Conceptual Physics, prob & Stat, Lit IV, and Financial Planning
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Student of the month, High honor roll
Award (expected)
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Extensive theatrical experience, professional acting, musical experience, doctor shadowing, dance etc
Job/Work Experience: 3 different jobs starting at 16 y/o
Volunteer/Community service: probably 20
Personal Statement: Don’t really remember. Think I had a solid essay
Applied for Financial Aid?: no
Intended Major : pre med
State (if domestic applicant): out of state
Country (if international applicant): N/A
School Type: HUGE public school (Class size ~800)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: M
Income Bracket: ~80K
Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): None
Strengths: I think my essay was interesting, different background (was planning on going into theater), and extensive extracurricular/jobs
Weaknesses: lol gpa and sat
Schools were you accepted/waitlisted to? Accepted to U of Arizona, ASU, Michigan State, Seattle University and U of Sydney
Schools you were rejected from? Cal State Long Beach and Fordham
Schools you are waiting for? UCSC, Pepperdine, UC Riverside, USFCA, SDSU, SJSU, Chico State, SFSU
General Comments: Although Purdue is not my top choice, just because of location, I am highly considering it. Really didnt think I should have got in. But there is hope for everyone I guess. This was my first non safety (even kinda reach) school that i got into!!!