Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

What time/day do the acceptances usually come out?

I’m assuming we log-in to the Application Tracker to check if we’ve been accepted? I see people referring to the ‘portal’ and want to make sure I’m checking the right place. If so, does the acceptance or denial appear on the Welcome page or the Application Checklist page?

@Tsme Could you please share the state you are from. All admitted student as requested by @2021classdad Kindly share information in below format for the benefit of all who are still awaiting.

Submitted Date:
Application checklist completed Date:
Major in:
GPA (uw, w):
SAT/ACT Scores:
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant):

@gosshaus yes they are the same thing. If you’re admitted, there will be a big thing saying that you’re a Boilmaker, which pops up immediately

Result: Accepted
Submitted Date: 24/10/16
Application checklist completed Date: 28/10/16
Major in: Chemistry
GPA (uw, w): 3.5
SAT/ACT Scores: 2240
State (if domestic applicant): OOS
Country (if international applicant): India

Accepted into school but wait listed for degree, Aerospace engineering. Act: 27 GPA 3.9 OOS. Finished application middle of October received notification beginning of November

@maicenstuart could you provide a bit more details? I am apply for Aerospace Enginnering too

@aerospaceguy I applied middle of october and i received my decision about a week ago. They told me that I was guaranteed admission in a different major outside of the college of engineering. I am pretty sure my test scores were not high enough. ACT: 27 GPA: 3.9 UW

Any acceptances?

Was just about to ask haha @thatone1

Result: Accepted
Submitted Date: 10/11/16
Application checklist completed Date: 10/11/16
Major in: FYE (BME)
GPA: 3.95 UW
ACT Score: 32
State: Michigan
Just heard back about 10 minutes ago

Dang, I submitted 10/15/16 - still havent heard back (FYE)

Accepted today!

Submitted Date: 10/9/16
Application checklist completed Date: 10/11/16
Major in: Political Science (College of Liberal Arts)
GPA (uw, w): 4.0 Unweighted
SAT/ACT Scores: 32 ACT
State (IN, oos, int’l): Out of State-- Maryland

Congratulation @fancytowels @willr17 on your acceptance.

Only two acceptance so far today

Accepted in FYE

GPA- xx
SAT 1450
Out of State/International

Had applied for Computer Engineering but no mention of major in the offer letter.

Don’t know if they offered me CE or not.

EA Accepted Today

Computer Science

SAT 1510
Wighted GPA: 3.79

9 AP courses through out high school
A bit surprised I got into animpacted major with my GPA

So excited for all of you that got accepted. I applied 10/23 so I have to wait a few more weeks I think. @indy101 looks like you and I have to find something to do while we wait!

OOS where is everyone from? I’m in the Northeast.

When are we supposed to receive info on merit scholarships?

@educationfan from Purude website…

We award merit scholarships between late-December and mid-February.

I applied on November 31st for Aerospace Engineering as an international student and haven’t heard back yet. I am worried because I had to send them the first version of my personal statement to meet the honors deadline and it was REALLY bad. Besides that I think my stats are good enough: 1460 on new SAT, lots of ECs, global average of 9.5/10, number 1 on class rank. Do I have good chances of being accepted? Will my Personal Statement hurt me too much?