Purdue: Computer engineering vs Electrical and Computer engineering

quick question, I am applying to Purdue and under area of interest there are 2 options I can’t decide between. One is Electrical and computer engineering and the other is just Computer engineering. Does the Elec. and Comp. eng have more hardware, electrical engineering-based stuff compared to standard comp. engineering or is it like dual enrollment thing? Like, if I go to Electrical and comp. eng. will I have both a major in Electrical AND computer engineering if I finnish?

I think they offer separate degrees:
1 in EE and 1 in CE.


I would think there is some overlap in courses required but EE tends to be broader in scope than CE.

Based on info on the website I am not sure why they offer a question with an answer of Electrical and computer engineering - that is the name of the school though that each degree is issued by. Not sure this helps you that much - hope so.

@CA1543 thanks for the answer. I think I might get it but am not sure. I guess that since CE is basically EE with some minor programming and minus radio frequencies (at least from what I’ve heard), they make a double thing out of it and you get to have 2 degrees.
Thanks for the answer, but I’m still hoping for someone to shed some light! :slight_smile:

Does it matter at this point (applying to college)? Looks like Purdue admits engineering frosh to First Year Engineering; students must make a high enough GPA to be admitted to engineering majors after completing the frosh level courses.